
  • 笔者在商务英语教学中发现,外贸英语中有一些使用十分频繁的词汇很容易被误译,原因是商务英语中相同的单词在不同情况下具有不同的含义。现将这些单词的不同用法和含义试加比较说明。例一:floating It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a retu...

  • 1. It's nothing important. 没什么重要事。 2. It's nothing urgent. Thank you ,good-bye. 没什么要紧事,谢谢您,再见。 3. I'll call her again. 我会再打给她。 4. I'll...

  • 一、电话英语:预定机位 1. I’d like to make a reservation for a flight from New York to Boston on Nov.28th. 2. Could I get my seat assignment? 3. I’d ...

  • (一)We have the offer ready for you. 我们已经为你准备好报盘了。I come to hear about your offer for fertilizers. 我来听听你们有关化肥的报盘。Please make us a cable offer. 请来电报盘。Pl...

  • 会议是现代商务中的重要一部分。它可以集思广益、将公司的智慧集中起来。作为一名会议主持人,该怎样做才能保证会议顺利进行呢?下面是一些主持会议的常用表达,希望能对您有帮助。 ●宣布会议开始 1. Let's call the meeting to order.2. Let's get t...

  • Excuse me, but aren't you Mr. Smith from America? Here's my card / name card / business card. We've been looking forward to meeting you. I...

  • Stay on top of如果你觉得在工作中倍受打击,那你很可能并没有staying on top of your work。这以为着要处于主动地位,而不是在工作中落后或让工作堆积如山。On the ball这个短语来自于运动场。当你on the ball,你必须要警觉并处于掌控制地位。"...

  • 1、下面是有人向你问候或是介绍你时的回答用语: How are you? I’m good /I’m fine, thank you. I’m happy to meet you. I’m glad/happy to meet you too. It&...

  • In this conversation, some members of an office clique are standing around the water cooler. They are mostly gossiping about employees who don’t...

  • 1.从中华人民共和国驻大使馆商务参赞处获悉贵公司名称和地址,现借此机会与贵方通信,意在达成一些实际交易为开端,以建立业务关系。 Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of the E...

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