
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情


        Late Delivery and Penalty 延期交货和惩罚条款合同中,如果有一方未能完全履行合同,或者按照合同规定交货,应该受到惩罚。例1:如果乙方因自身原因而未准时完工,乙方应付违约罚款,每天按总价的千分之一计算,即一千二百六十美元整。If party B fails to finish the work on schedule due to its own reason, he shall pay to the other party the penalty at 1‰ of the total value of the work per day, that is USD one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars.        例2:如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10%的利息。如果违约方逾期3个月仍未如资,合同另一方根据本合同第53条规定有权终止合同并向违约方索赔损失。Should either joint-venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to Clause 5, the default party should pay the other 10% of the interest one month after the dead line. The other party shall hold right to terminate the contract or to claim the damage against / to him according to Clause 53 thereof, if the default party has not done so three months after the deadline.
