
  • 英国军情五处(MI5)处长乔纳森?埃文斯(Jonathan Evans)警告银行与金融服务企业,中国电脑黑客攻击已威胁到商业敏感信息的安全。The director-general of MI5 has warned banks and financial services companies th...

  • 随着各方吸引迅速增长的中国公司赴海外上市的争夺战愈演愈烈,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)昨日成为最新一个在北京开设代表处的全球证交所。Nasdaq yesterday became the latest global exchange to open a representative office in ...

  • 上海市政府正在组建一家金融投资公司,计划拿出大约10亿美元在海内外进行投资。Shanghai’s city government is setting up a financial investment company with about $1bn to spend on invest...

  • 中国政府宣布,已将货币政策由稳健”调整为从紧”。这再度表明,政府担心目前两位数的经济增长会进一步加速。China has announced it has shifted its monetary policy stance from prudent” to ti...

  • 欧洲最大的两家央行之间的分歧越来越大:为应对全球信贷紧缩,英国央行(Bank of England)昨日决定下调利率;而欧洲央行(ECB)则表示,未来仍可能再次加息。A gulf opened up between Europe’s two largest central banks y...

  • 高盛(Goldman Sachs)募集了20亿美元准备用于亚洲房地产投资,此举可能会加剧对中国和印度等高速增长市场资产的竞争。Goldman Sachs has amassed $2bn to use for property investments in Asia, a move likely t...

  • 对市场而言,降息犹如毒品。它们能让人兴奋,但也能导致依赖。就像瘾君子一样,市场需要越来越大的剂量,才能达到同样的效果。For the markets, rate cuts are like a drug. They can inspire euphoria, but can also induce ...

  • 中国11月份的通胀率达到6.9%,创下11年新高。这一通胀水平将会坚定中国政府紧缩货币政策的决心,也许还会进一步推迟能源价格改革。Chinese inflation reached an 11-year high of 6.9 per cent in November, a level that w...

  • 英国医药公司葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)计划,在明年底之前,向其在中国的神经科学研究中心投入1亿美元,这个中心将成为该公司全球药物研发的关键一环。GlaxoSmithKline, the UK-based pharmaceutical company, plans to channe...

  • 全球股市周四大幅下跌,因为投资者越来越怀疑,各国央行为应对信贷紧缩而采取的大规模措施是否足以消除危机。Global equities suffered heavy falls yesterday as investor doubts grew over whether sweeping measur...