
  • DearReference is made to your Lease dated [date], by and between [lessor] and [lessee], for a month-to-month term.You are hereby notified to deliver u...

  • NOTICE TO DEBTOR OF ASSIGNMENT OF DEBTTo: _You are hereby notified that _ [Creditor] has sold and transferred to the undersigned all rights to its cla...

  • DearYour check made payable to [name of firm] in the amount of $ has been returned to us for insufficient funds. The bank will not allow us to redepos...

  • NOTICE TO CANCEL SHIPMENT OF BACK-ORDERED GOODSDate: _To: _ [Supplier]Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated _, 19_, a copy of whic...

  • NOTICE TO CANCEL ENTIRE ORDERDate: _To: _ [Supplier]Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated _, 19_, a copy of which is enclosed.Due ...

  • DearThis is to acknowledge receipt of the above referenced order and to inform you that the merchandise does not meet my specifications.Whereas I orde...

  • NOTICE OF WITHHOLDING FUTURE DELIVERIESTO______________________________________[address]___________Notice is hereby given that we are withholding all ...

  • NOTICE OF WITHHELD DELIVERYDate: _To: _ [Customer]Reference is made to your order for certain goods under date of _, 19_.We are withholding delivery f...

  • NOTICE OF UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCEDate: _To: _ [Employee]Confirming our meeting relative to certain unsatisfactory aspects of your performance, we e...

  • Notice of Termination of LeaseTo _________________________, Lessee:Take notice, that pursuant to the provisions of paragraph ___ of that certain Lease...