
  • Gentlemen:Your delivery of [description of goods] which was received by us on [date] does not meet the specifications as outlined in our contract of [...

  • NOTICE TO STOP GOODS IN TRANSITDate: _To: _ [Common Carrier]You are in receipt of certain goods in transit shipped by us and scheduled for delivery to...

  • NOTICE TO QUIT FOR NON-PAYMENT OF RENTDate: _To: _ [Tenant]You are hereby notified to quit and deliver up the premises you hold as our tenant namely: ...

  • NOTICE TO PAY RENT OR QUITTO ___________________________, TENANT IN POSSESSION:You are hereby required to pay the rent on the premises herein describe...

  • NOTICE TO EXERCISE LEASE OPTIONDate: _To: _Please be advised that the undersigned, as Lessee under a certain lease under date of _, 20_, for premises ...

  • TO: All EmployeesFROM: Mr. ChambersAs President of this company, I was disappointed and humiliated by the behavior of some [name of firm] employees wh...

  • TO: All EmployeesFROM: ManagementSUBJECT: VacationsThis is to provide notice to all [name of firm] employees of our new company policy in regards to v...

  • DearThis has been a difficult year for the Chambers Corporation. I am sure that you all know that the loss of our three contracts with the United Stat...

  • DearEach of our employees who has been with our firm for a period of six months or more receives a Christmas bonus. Since you became a member of our s...

  • NOTICE TO ELECTTO ACCEPT DAMAGED GOODSDate: _To: _ [Supplier]The undersigned received defective or non-conforming goods on our order dated _, 19_. The...