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上海市古树名木和古树后续资源保护条例 Regulations of Shanghai



第一条 为了加强古树、名木和古树后续资源的保护,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例所称古树是指树龄在一百年以上的树木。






第三条 本市行政区域内古树、名木和古树后续资源的保护,适用本条例。

第四条 上海市绿化管理局(以下简称市绿化局)是本市古树、名木和古树后续资源保护的行政主管部门,负责本条例的组织实施;其所属的上海市园林绿化监察大队(以下简称市绿化监察大队)按照本条例的授权,实施行政处罚。



第五条 本市有关部门应当加强对古树、名木和古树后续资源保护的科学研究,推广应用科研成果,宣传普及保护知识,提高保护水平。

第六条 任何单位和个人都有权对损害古树、名木和古树后续资源的行为予以制止或者举报,市绿化局或者区、县管理古树名木的部门应当及时查处。

第七条 对保护古树、名木和古树后续资源有突出贡献的单位和个人,由市绿化局或者区、县管理古树名木的部门给予表彰和奖励。

第八条 本市对古树、名木和古树后续资源按下列规定实行分级保护:




第九条 区、县管理古树名木的部门应当定期在本辖区内进行古树、名木和古树后续资源的调查,并按照下列规定进行鉴定和确认:






第十条 区、县管理古树名木的部门应当对本辖区内的古树、名木和古树后续资源进行登记,建立档案,并报市绿化局备案。


第十一条 市绿化局应当在古树、名木和古树后续资源周围醒目位置设立标明树木编号、名称、保护级别等内容的标牌。

第十二条 市绿化局应当会同市规划管理部门,按照下列规定,划定古树、名木和古树后续资源的保护区:



第十三条 在古树、名木和古树后续资源保护区内,应当采取措施保持土壤的透水、透气性,不得从事挖坑取土、焚烧、倾倒有害废渣废液、新建扩建建筑物和构筑物等损害古树、名木和古树后续资源正常生长的活动。


第十四条 本市对古树、名木和古树后续资源实行养护责任制,并按照下列规定确定养护责任人:








第十五条 区、县管理古树名木的部门应当与养护责任人签订养护责任书,明确养护责任。养护责任人发生变更的,养护责任人应当到区、县管理古树名木的部门办理养护责任转移手续,并重新签订养护责任书。

第十六条 市绿化局应当根据古树、名木和古树后续资源的保护需要,制定养护技术标准,并无偿向养护责任人提供必要的养护知识培训和养护技术指导。


第十七条 古树、名木和古树后续资源的日常养护费用由养护责任人承担。接受委托承担养护责任的,养护费用由委托人承担。承担养护费用确有困难的单位或者个人,可以向所在区、县管理古树名木的部门申请养护补助经费。养护补助经费应当专项用于古树、名木和古树后续资源的养护。



第十八条 古树、名木和古树后续资源保护区外的建设项目,养护责任人认为其施工可能影响古树、名木和古树后续资源正常生长的,应当及时向市绿化局或者区、县管理古树名木的部门报告。市绿化局或者区、县管理古树名木的部门可以根据古树、名木和古树后续资源的保护需要,向建设单位提出相应的保护要求,建设单位应当根据保护要求实施保护。

第十九条 市绿化局和区、县管理古树名木的部门应当确定专门管理人员负责古树、名木和古树后续资源保护管理工作,并按照下列规定,定期进行检查:





第二十条 禁止移植一级保护的古树以及树龄在一百年以上的名木。




第二十一条 生产、生活产生的废水、废气或者废渣等危害古树、名木和古树后续资源正常生长的,养护责任人可以要求有关责任单位或者个人采取措施,消除危害。

第二十二条 禁止下列损害古树、名木和古树后续资源的行为:






第二十三条 古树、名木和古树后续资源养护责任人发现树木衰萎、濒危的,应当及时向市绿化局或者区、县管理古树名木的部门报告。市绿化局或者区、县管理古树名木的部门应当及时组织具有相应专业资质的绿化养护单位进行复壮和抢救。

第二十四条 古树、名木死亡的,养护责任人应当及时向市绿化局报告,经核实、鉴定和查清原因后,予以注销。



第二十五条 违反本条例规定,有下列情形之一的,由市绿化局或者区、县管理古树名木的部门或者市绿化监察大队按照下列规定予以处罚:










第二十六条 违反本条例规定,损坏古树、名木和古树后续资源及其相关保护设施的,应当依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第二十七条 市绿化局、区县管理古树名木的部门、市绿化监察大队的工作人员在本条例的执行过程中,玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第二十八条 当事人对市绿化局、区县管理古树名木的部门、市绿化监察大队的具体行政行为不服的,可以依照《中华人民共和国行政复议法》或者《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。


第二十九条 本条例自2002年10月1日起施行。《上海市古树名木保护管理规定》同时废止。



Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on The Protection of Ancient And Famous Trees And Ancient Trees''follow-up Resources
(Adopted at the 41st Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25th, 2002)

Article 1 With a view to strengthening the protection of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with related laws and regulations and in the light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality.

Article 2 Ancient trees mentioned in these Regulations refer to trees more than 100 years old.Famous trees mentioned in these Regulations refer to the following trees:

(1) Trees whose species are precious and rare;

(2) Trees with important historical value or memorial significance;

(3) Trees with important scientific research value.The ancient trees'follow-up resources mentioned in these Regulations refers to trees over 80 years and under 100 years old.

Article 3 These Regulations apply to the protection of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in the administrative area of this municipality.

Article 4 The Shanghai Municipal Greening Administration (hereinafter referred to as MGA) is the competent administrative department for the protection of this Municipality's ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, and is responsible for organizing the implementation of these Regulations. Its affiliated Shanghai Municipal Public Parks and Greening Supervision Brigade (hereinafter referred to as the MPPSB) is authorized by these Regulations to impose administrative punishment.District and county administrative departments of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources (hereinafter referred to as district and county administrative departments of ancient and famous trees) are responsible for the work of protection of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources within their respective administrative areas according to the provisions of these Regulations and accept professional directions of the MGA.The Municipality's planning, construction, agriculture and forestry, public works, housing and land resources, water affairs, railway, environmental protection, tourism, nationality and religion, and other relevant administrative departments shall, according to their respective functions and duties, cooperate in implementing these Regulations.

Article 5 The Municipality's relevant departments shall strengthen the scientific research on the protection of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, spread the application of scientific research achievements, publicize and popularize the knowledge about protection, and raise the level of protection.

Article 6 All units and individual persons have the right to curb or report against the act of damaging ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, and the MGA or district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall make timely investigation and handling.

Article 7 The MGA or district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall commend and reward the units and individual persons that make outstanding contributions to the protection of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources.

Article 8 The Municipality practices the classified protection of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources according to the following provisions:

(1) Famous trees and more than 300-year-old ancient trees are under first-class protection;

(2) Ancient trees over 100 years and under 300 years old are under second-class protection;

(3) Ancient trees'follow-up resources are under third-class protection.

Article 9 District and county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall conduct regular investigation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources within their respective administrative areas and make appraisal and affirmation according to the following provisions:

(1) For ancient and famous trees under first-class protection, the MGA shall organize the appraisal and report to the Municipal People's Government for affirmation;

(2) For ancient and famous trees under second-class protection, the MGA shall organize the appraisal and make affirmation;

(3) For ancient trees'follow-up resources, the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall organize the appraisal and report to the MGA for affirmation.Units and individual persons are encouraged to report unregistered ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources to the MGA or district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees. The MGA or district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall, according to the provisions of the preceding clause, organize the appraisal and affirmation in time, and shall give the informant appropriate rewards and encouragement for those that come to fall under the category of ancient and famous trees or ancient trees'follow-up resources through appraisal.The MGA shall work out separately the appraisal criteria and procedures of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources.

Article 10 District/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall register and file ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources within its administrative area and report to the MGA for the record.The MGA shall number in a unified manner ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources.

Article 11 The MGA shall set up signs marking such contents as tree number, name and protection class, at conspicuous places around ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources.

Article 12 The MGA shall, jointly with the municipal administrative department of planning, demarcate the protection area of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources according to the following provisions:(1) The protection area for those under the category of ancient and famous trees shall not be less than five meters beyond the vertical projection of tree crown;(2) The protection area for those under the category of ancient trees'follow-up resources shall not be less than two meters beyond the vertical projection of tree crown.

Article 13 Within the protection area of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, measures shall be taken to preserve the soil permeable and porous, and no one shall be allowed to conduct activities that damage the normal growth of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources such as extracting earth, burning, dumping harmful waste residue or liquid, or erecting or extending buildings and structures.If construction work is really needed in the protection area of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources due to the construction of city major infrastructure, the administrative department of planning shall solicit opinions from the MGA before issuing the planning permit of construction project, the MGA shall put forward appropriate protection requirements within 5 work days from the date of receiving the solicitation. The construction unit shall draw up specific protection measures and organize their implementation according to the protection requirements of the MGA.

Article 14 This Municipality adopts the system of job responsibility for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources and determines the persons in charge of conservation according to the following provisions:

(1)The persons responsible for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in the limits of land used by organs, troops, mass organizations, enterprises and institutions shall be such units. If the unit has property management practiced, the person responsible for conservation is the property management enterprises entrusted by such units.

(2)The persons responsible for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in the limits of land used for railways, highways and river courses are the conservation units entrusted by the administration of railway, highway and water affairs.

(3)The persons responsible for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in the limits of public greenery land are the conservation units entrusted by the administrative department of greening.

(4)The persons responsible for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in residential districts are the property management enterprises entrusted by the proprietors.

(5)The persons responsible for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in the residents'courtyards are the proprietors.The persons responsible for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources not included in the provisions of the previous clause shall be determined by the local district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees.If there are ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in the limits of housing demolition, the construction unit shall make protection in line with the provisions of these Regulations regarding persons responsible for conservation. If the ancient and famous trees or ancient trees'follow-up resources are in the residents'courtyards, the construction unit shall give the original persons responsible for conservation appropriate compensation.

Article 15 The district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall sign a conservation responsibility letter with the person responsible for conservation, specifying the responsibility for conservation. In case of alteration of persons responsible for conservation, such persons shall go through the transfer formalities of conservation responsibility with the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees and fresh conservation responsibility letters shall be signed.

Article 16 The MGA shall, according to the need of protecting ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, work out technical standards for conservation, and provide persons responsible for conservation with necessary training of conservation knowledge and technical guidance of conservation free of charge.The persons responsible for conservation shall conduct conservation work as required by the technical standards of conservation. In routine conservation, the persons responsible for conservation may consult the MGA or the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees for conservation knowledge.

Article 17 The routine conservation cost of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources shall be borne by the persons responsible for conservation. If the conservation responsibility is entrusted, the entrusting party shall bear the conservation cost. If any unit or individual person has real difficulty in bearing the conservation cost, such unit or individual person may apply for conservation subsidies to the local district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees. The conservation subsidies shall be used exclusively for the conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources. The municipal, district and county people's governments shall establish special funds for the protection of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources. Such funds shall be used exclusively for the rescue and rejuvenation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, for the construction and maintenance of protection facilities, and for the subsidies to those having difficulty in bearing conservation cost.Units and individual persons are encouraged to participate in the conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources in the forms of donation or bearing the maintenance cost. The unit and individual person that make donation for or bear the maintenance cost of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources may enjoy the right to have their name stand on the signs of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources for a certain period of time.

Article 18 In respect of construction project outside the protection area of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, if the persons responsible for conservation believe that such construction work will possibly affect the normal growth of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, they shall report in time to the MGA or the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees. The MGA or the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees may, according to the need of protecting ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, put forward appropriate protective requirements to the construction unit, which shall carry out the protection as required.

Article 19 The MGA and district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall assign special administrative personnel to take charge of the protection and management of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, and to make regular inspections according to the following provisions:(1) Over ancient and famous trees under first-class protection, inspection shall be conducted at least once every three months;(2) Over ancient trees under second-class protection, inspection shall be conducted at least once every six months;(3) Over ancient trees'follow-up resources, inspection shall be conducted at least once every year.When it is found out in inspection that trees grow abnormally or the environmental conditions affect the growth of trees, protective measures shall be taken in time.

Article 20 Transplantation of ancient trees under first-class protection and famous trees more than 100 years old is forbidden.If there is a real need of the transplantation of famous trees under 100 years old or ancient trees under second-class protection due to the construction of city major infrastructure, application shall be submitted to the MGA, which shall put forward examination opinions within 10 work days from the date of receiving the application, and report to the Municipal People's Government for approval.If there is a need of the transplantation of ancient trees'follow-up resources due to the construction of major engineering project or city infrastructure, application shall be submitted to the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees. The district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall put forward examination opinions within five work days from the date of receiving the application, and report to the MGA for approval. The MGA shall make an approval decision within five work days from the date of receiving the examination opinions, and notify the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees.The transplantation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources and the conservation thereof in five years after transplantation must be conducted by the greening conservation unit with appropriate specialized qualification. The cost for transplantation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources and the cost for conservation of such trees in five years after transplantation shall be borne by the construction unit.

Article 21 If waste water, waste gas and waste residue generated by production and daily life endanger the normal growth of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, the persons responsible for conservation may request the related unit or individual person that is held responsible to take measures to eliminate the harm.

Article 22 The following acts that damage ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources are forbidden:(1) Felling;(2) Barking, breaking off branches, or cutting, engraving and striking nails into trees;(3) Taking the trunk as a support, hanging or binding other articles on or around trees;(4) Damaging the supports, railings, lightning rods, signs or drainage ditches and other related protective facilities of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources;(5) Other acts that affect the normal growth of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources.

Article 23 If the persons responsible for conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, discover that the trees are withering or in imminent danger, they shall report in time to the MGA or the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees. The MGA or the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees shall organize in time the greening conservation unit with appropriate specialized qualification to conduct rejuvenation and rescue.

Article 24 In case of deaths of ancient and famous trees, the person responsible for conservation shall report in time to the MGA, and cancellation shall be made after verification, appraisal and the finding out of cause.In case of deaths of ancient trees'follow-up resources, the person responsible for conservation shall report in time to the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees, and cancellation shall be made after verification, appraisal and the finding out of cause, and report shall be submitted to the MGA for the record.When the dead ancient and famous trees and the dead ancient trees'follow-up resources have not been verified and cancelled by the MGA or the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees, the person responsible for conservation shall not make any disposal without authorization.

Article 25 Violators of the provisions of these Regulations, who have done any of the following acts, shall be given punishment by the MGA or the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees or the MPPSB according to the following provisions:

(1) Violators of the provision of Article 13 Clause 1 of these Regulations, who fail to take measures in the protection area to preserve the soil permeable and porous, or conduct activities that damage the normal growth of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources shall be ordered to correct within a time limit, and may be cumulatively penalized with a fine of between not less than 300 yuan and not more than 3,000 yuan; those who cause severe damage to trees shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 2,000 yuan and not more than 20,000 yuan; those who cause trees to die shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 5,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan for each tree.

(2) Any construction unit that violates the provision of article 13 Clause 2 of these Regulations, who fails to carry out protection according to protection requirements shall be ordered to correct within a time limit; those who cause trees to die shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 5,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan for each tree.

(3) Violators of the provision of Article 16 Clause 2 of these Regulations, who fail to conduct conservation according to the technical standards for conservation, shall be ordered to correct within a time limit; those who fail to correct after the deadline shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 300 yuan and not more than 3,000 yuan; those who cause trees to die shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 3,000 yuan and not more than 30,000 yuan for each tree.

(4) Violators of the provisions of Article 20 Clauses 1, 2 and 3 of these Regulations, who transplant ancient trees under first-class protection or famous trees more than 100 years old, shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 10,000 yuan and not more than 100,000 yuan for each tree; those who transplant, without approval, famous trees under 100 years old or ancient trees under second-class protection shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 5,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan for each tree; those who transplant, without approval ancient trees'follow-up resources shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 2,000 yuan and not more than 20,000 yuan for each tree; those who transplant without authorization and cause trees to die shall be punished as the wrongful act of felling.

(5) Violators of the provision of Article 20 Clause 4 of these Regulations, who entrust a unit without appropriate specialized qualification to conduct transplantation or conservation, shall be ordered to correct within a time limit; those who fail to correct after the deadline shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 10,000 yuan; any unit without appropriate specialized qualification that conducts transplantation or conservation of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources shall have its illegal gains confiscated and shall be cumulatively penalized with a fine of the amount as much as between not less than one and not more than five times the illegal gains.

(6) Violators of the provision of Article 21 of these Regulations, who endanger the normal growth of ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, shall be ordered to correct within a time limit; those who fail to correct after the deadline shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 500 yuan and not more than5,.000 yuan; those who cause trees to die shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 5,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan for each tree.

(7) Violators of the provision of Article 22 Item (1) of these Regulations, who fell ancient and famous trees under first-class protection, shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 30,000 yuan and not more than 300,000 yuan for each tree; those who fell ancient trees under second-class protection shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 20,000 yuan and not more than 200,000 yuan; those who fell ancient trees'follow-up resources shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 10,000 yuan and not more than 100,000 yuan.

(8) Violators of the provisions of Article 22 Items (2), (3), (4) and (5) of these Regulations, who damage ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources, shall be ordered to correct within a time limit and may be cumulatively penalized with a fine of between not less than 300 yuan and not more than 3,000 yuan; those who cause trees to die shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 5,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan for each tree.

(9) Violators of the provision of Article 24 Clause 3 of these Regulations, who make arbitrary disposal of dead trees that have not been verified and cancelled, shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 10,000 yuan.

Article 26 Violators of the provisions of these Regulations, who damage ancient and famous trees and ancient trees'follow-up resources and their related protection facilities, shall bear the liability of compensation according to law; those whose wrongful acts constitute a crime shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.

Article 27 Staff members of the MGA, the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees and the MPPSB who commit dereliction, power abuse or malpractice for selfish end during the enforcement of these Regulations shall be given administrative punishment by their work unit or higher authorities according to law; those whose acts constitute a crime shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.

Article 28 The party concerned who disagrees on the specific administrative act of the MGA, the district/county administrative department of ancient and famous trees and the MPPSB may apply for administrative reconsideration or lodge an administrative lawsuit according to the provisions of the"Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Reconsideration"and the"Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China".If the party concerned does not apply for reconsideration, nor lodges an administrative lawsuit, nor performs within the prescribed time limit, the administrative department or the MPPSB that has made the specific administrative act may apply to the people's court for enforcement.

Article 29 These Regulations shall become effective on October 1, 2002. The"Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection and Management of Ancient and Famous Trees"shall be repealed at the same time.

Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

July 25th, 2002
