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吉林省城市房屋拆迁管理条例 Regulations of Jilin Province on





第一章 总则

第一条 为了加强对城市房屋拆迁的管理,维护拆迁当事人的合法权益,保障城市建设的顺利进行,根据国务院《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》,结合本省实际,制定本条例。

第二条 凡在本省行政区域城市规划区内的国有土地上实施房屋拆迁,并需要对被拆迁人实施补偿、安置的,适用本条例。

第三条 房屋拆迁必须符合城市规划,有利于城市旧区改造和生态环境改善,保护文物古迹。

第四条 拆迁人应当依照本条例的规定,对被拆迁人给予补偿、安置。被拆迁人应当在协议搬迁期限内完成搬迁。



第五条 省建设行政主管部门对全省城市房屋拆迁工作实施监督管理。



第二章 拆迁管理

第六条 房屋拆迁实行拆迁许可证制度。未取得《房屋拆迁许可证》的,不得实施拆迁。

第七条 申领《房屋拆迁许可证》,应当向被拆迁房屋所在地的县级以上人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门提出申请,并提交下列资料:






第八条 拆迁计划应当包括:拆迁范围、方式,拆迁时限,工程开工、竣工时间。

第九条 拆迁方案应当包括:





第十条 拆迁补偿安置资金的存款额度应当不少于被拆迁房屋总建筑面积乘以上一年同类地段、同类性质房屋的房地产市场评估指导价,拆迁人用于产权调换的房屋可以折价计入。

第十一条 拆迁人实施房屋拆迁的补偿安置资金应当全部用于房屋拆迁的补偿安置,不得挪作他用。


第十二条 当地房屋拆迁管理部门应当自收到房屋拆迁申请之日起三十日内,对符合条件的,核发《房屋拆迁许可证》;对不符合条件的,不予核发,书面通知申请人并说明理由。


第十三条 房屋拆迁管理部门在发放《房屋拆迁许可证》的同时,应当将《房屋拆迁许可证》中载明的拆迁人、拆迁范围、拆迁期限等事项,以房屋拆迁公告的形式予以公布。拆迁人应当及时将公告内容告知被拆迁人。

第十四条 拆迁人可以委托具有房屋拆迁资格的单位实施拆迁;拆迁人具有房屋拆迁资格的也可以自行拆迁。


第十五条 房屋拆迁工作人员应当熟知房屋拆迁方面的法律、法规和拆迁政策,并具备房屋拆迁工作相应的专业知识。

第十六条 发布房屋拆迁公告时,当地房屋拆迁管理部门应当向拆迁人、被拆迁人提供两个以上具有评估资格的房地产评估机构任其选择;拆迁人、被拆迁人也可以选择其他具有评估资格的房地产评估机构,对被拆迁房屋进行评估。拆迁人、被拆迁人应当自房屋拆迁公告公布之日起五日内作出选择。




第十七条 在房屋拆迁管理部门公布的拆迁期限内,拆迁人与被拆迁人应当依照本条例的规定,就补偿金额、付款方式、付款期限、安置面积、安置地点、搬迁期限、搬迁过渡方式、过渡期限、违约责任和当事人认为需要明确的事项,签订拆迁补偿安置协议。


第十八条 拆迁人与被拆迁人或者拆迁人、被拆迁人与房屋承租人达不成拆迁补偿安置协议的,经当事人申请,由房屋拆迁管理部门裁决。房屋拆迁管理部门是被拆迁人的,由同级人民政府裁决。裁决应当自收到申请之日起三十日内作出。


第十九条 拆迁人在房屋拆迁管理部门公布的拆迁期限内不得对未搬迁的被拆迁人或者房屋承租人实施停止供水、供电、供热以及停止供应燃气等影响生产、生活的行为。

第二十条 被拆迁人不得损坏、拆除被拆迁房屋的公用设施。

第二十一条 拆迁补偿安置协议签订后,拆迁人应当将被拆迁房屋的土地使用权证、房屋所有权证统一缴回,并到有关部门注销登记。属于公有房屋的,房屋产权人应当将房屋租赁证统一收回并注销登记。

第二十二条 拆迁人在房屋拆迁中应当及时整理并妥善保管拆迁档案资料,在完成拆迁后三十日内,向当地房屋拆迁管理部门移交拆迁档案资料。

第二十三条 房屋拆迁实行统计报表制度,拆迁人应当定期填报房屋拆迁统计表报房屋拆迁管理部门。

第三章 拆迁补偿与安置

第二十四条 房屋拆迁可以实行货币补偿,也可以实行产权调换。




第二十五条 货币补偿金额由房地产评估机构根据核发《房屋拆迁许可证》时当地人民政府公布的房地产市场评估指导价,结合被拆迁房屋的地段、用途、建筑面积、楼层、朝向、装修、环境、配套设施等因素确定。

第二十六条 市(州)、县(市)人民政府应当根据省人民政府价格主管部门会同省建设行政主管部门确定的房地产市场评估指导价的制定原则和方法,每年制定并公布一次当地不同区位的房地产市场评估指导价。房地产市场评估指导价制定前,当地人民政府价格主管部门应当召开听证会。

第二十七条 对被拆迁房屋的建筑面积和房屋用途的认定,以房屋管理部门颁发的房屋所有权证标注的面积和用途为准;房屋所有权证未标注的,以产籍登记卡标注的面积和用途为准。

第二十八条 被拆迁人选择产权调换的,有权要求拆迁人提供的安置用房的建筑面积不少于被拆迁房屋的建筑面积。拆迁人和被拆迁人应当按照被拆迁房屋的补偿金额和提供安置用房的价格,结清产权调换差价。

第二十九条 用于拆迁安置的房屋,必须符合有关法律、法规的规定,符合有关技术、质量标准。

第三十条 建设行政主管部门在审查施工图设计文件时,发现拆迁安置用房布局、设施设计不合理等损害被拆迁人利益的,应当提出书面意见,由房屋拆迁管理部门监督修改。拆迁人不得擅自更改修改后的设计。

第三十一条 被拆迁房屋在拆迁人公告规定的拆迁期限内有下列情形之一的,由拆迁人提出补偿、安置方案,报房屋拆迁管理部门批准,并向公证机关办理证据保全后实施拆迁:




第三十二条 拆迁被拆迁人购买或者建造的享有国家或者单位补贴的房屋,拆迁人按照有关各方的投资比例分别给予补偿。

第三十三条 拆迁人对生活特别困难,又无力自行解决住房的被拆迁人必须妥善安置。具体标准和办法由当地人民政府制定。

第三十四条 拆迁租赁房屋,被拆迁人与房屋承租人解除租赁关系的,或者被拆迁人对房屋承租人进行安置的,拆迁人对被拆迁人给予补偿。



第三十五条 拆迁人应当对被拆迁人或者房屋承租人支付搬迁补助费。



第三十六条 拆迁人、被拆迁人应当遵守过渡期限的协议。拆迁人不得擅自延长过渡期限;由拆迁人提供周转房的,周转房的使用人应当按时退还周转房。

第三十七条 由于拆迁人的责任延长过渡期限的,对自行安排住处的被拆迁人或者房屋承租人,拆迁人除承担违约责任外,还应当自愈期之月起增付临时安置补助费;需要过冬的还应当支付采暖补助费。

第三十八条 拆迁非住宅房屋造成停产、停业引起经济损失的,由拆迁人给予被拆迁人适当补偿。

第三十九条 拆除违章建筑和超过批准期限的临时建筑,不予补偿;拆除未超过批准期限的临时建筑,应当给予适当补偿。

第四章 法律责任

第四十条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由房屋拆迁管理部门责令停止拆迁,给予警告,可以并处拆迁补偿安置资金百分之一以上百分之三以下的罚款;情节严重的,吊销《房屋拆迁许可证》:




第四十一条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由房屋拆迁管理部门予以处罚:




第四十二条 房地产评估机构未按房地产评估规范对被拆迁房屋进行评估的,省建设行政主管部门可以给予警告、降低资质等级的处罚;情节严重的,可以取消房地产评估机构资质。

第四十三条 对房屋拆迁中的违法行为依法应当给予行政处罚,当地房屋拆迁管理部门不予处罚的,上级房屋拆迁管理部门可以责令其给予处罚;仍不作出行政处罚决定的,上级房屋拆迁管理部门可以直接对违法行为作出行政处罚决定。

第四十四条 房屋拆迁管理部门及其工作人员违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由所在单位或者上级主管部门对直接负责的主管人员或者其他责任人员给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:





第五章 附则

第四十五条 在城市规划区外国有土地上实施房屋拆迁,并需要对被拆迁人补偿、安置的,参照本条例执行。

第四十六条 本条例自2002年4月10日起施行。1992年5月10日吉林省第七届人民代表大会常务委员会颁布的《吉林省城市房屋拆迁安置管理条例》同时废止。

Regulations of Jilin Province on the Administration of the Demolition and Removal of Urban Houses

(Adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 9th People's Congress of Jilin Province on March 28,2002)

March 28,2002
Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions

Article1. These regulations are formulated for the purposes of strengthening the administration of the demolition and removal of urban houses, protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties involved in the demolition and removal, safeguarding the smooth progression of urban constructions, in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Demolition and Removal of Urban of the State Council and in light of the actual circumstances of this Province.

Article2. These Regulations shall apply to the demolition and removal of the houses on the state-owned land within the city planning districts of the administrative division of this province, and to the demolished-removed personnel who should be necessarily compensated and helped to settle down.

Article3. The house demolition and removal must meet the requirements of city planning, be beneficial to the reform of old urban residential areas, the improvement of ecological environments, and the protection of cultural relics and historic sites.

Article4. The demolishing-removing personnel should compensate and help to settle down the demolished-removed personnel according to the provisions of these Regulations, and the demolished-removed personnel should finish the removal within the time limit of removal.

The demolishing-removing personnel referred to in these Regulations mean the units obtained the permit for house demolition and removal.

The demolished-removed personnel referred to in these Regulations mean the owners of the houses demolished and removed.

Article5. The provincial administrative competent departments of construction shall exercise the supervision and administration on the work of the demolition and removal of the urban houses in this whole province.

The departments responsible for the work of house demolition and removal of the municipal (prefectural), county (city) people's governments (hereinafter referred to as the administrative departments of house demolition and removal) shall exercise the supervision and administration on the work of the demolition and removal of the urban houses within their own administrative devisions.

The relevant departments of the people's governments at the county level and upwards must do well in the administrative working of the demolition and removal of urban houses according to their own duties.

Chapter Ⅱ Administration of Demolition and Removal

Article6. The house demolition and removal shall implement the system of the permit for demolition and removal. Those failing to get the Permit for House Demolition and Removal shall be forbidden to implement the demolition and removal.

Article7. Those applying for and obtaining the Permits for House Demolition and Removal must apply to the administrative departments of house demolition and removal of the people's governments at the county level and upwards, where the houses demolished and removed lcoate, and must submit the following materials:

(1)The plan for demolition and removal and the scheme of demolition and removal;

(2)The documents of approving the construction projects;

(3)The permit for the planning for the land used for construction;

(4)The documents of approving the right of making use of state-owned land; and

(5)The deposit certificate of a special account of funds for the demolition-removal compensation and settlement issued by the banking institutions which transact the deposit businesses.

Article8. The plan of demolition must including: the scope of demolition, ways, and the time limit of demolition and removal, the dates of start completion of projects.

Article9. The scheme of demolition and removal should include:

(1)The circumstances of the houses demolished and removed (the characters of houses, the tenure of use, the ownership of property right, the areas, the storey, the orientation, the district, the structure form, etc.);

(2)The budgetary estimate of all kinds of compensations and allowances;

(3)The settlement standards and places of the property rights exchanged for houses; and

(4)The temporary transitional ways and detailed measures.

Article10. The specified amount of deposit of the funds for the demolition-removal compensation and settlement should be not less than the total built-up area of the house to be demolished and removed times the guiding price for the evaluation in real-estate markets for the houses in the same section and of same tenure last year, the houses exchanged with property rights by the demolishing-removing personnel may be calculated at the market price.

Article11. The funds for compensation and settlement for carrying out the house demolition and removal by the demolishing-removing personnel should be totally used in the compensation and settlement of house demolition and removal, it shall be forbidden to divert them for other purposes.

The administrative departments of house demolition and removal of the people's governments at the county level and upwards should strengthen the supervision over the utilization of the funds for the compensation and settlement of house demolition and removal.

Article12. The local administrative departments of house demolition and removal should verify and issue the Permit for House Demolition and Removal to those conforming with conditions; and shall not verify and issue to those failing to conform with conditions; and notice the applicants in a written form and explain the reasons within 30 days since the date of receiving the application for house demolition and removal. The demolition-removal areas verified in the Permit for House Demolition and Removal shall be forbidden to overstep the areas of the land used for construction verified by the permit for the planning for the land used for construction.

Article13. While issuing the Permit for House Demolition and Removal, the administrative departments and removal of house demolition and removal should publish the demolishing-removing personnel, the scopes of demolition and removal, the time limit of demolition removal and other items clearly recorded in the Permit for House Demolition and Removal by the form of the announcement of house demolition and removal. The demolishing-removing personnel should notice the demolished-removed personnel about the contents of the announcement timely.

Article14. The demolishing-removing personnel may entrust the units which have obtained the qualification of house demolition and removal to conduct the demolition and removal; and the demolishing-removing personnel with the qualification of house demolition and removal also may conduct it by themselves.

The administrative departments of house demolition and removal shall be forbidden to work as the demolishing-removing personnel or accept the entrustment of demolition and removal.

Article15. The working staffs of house demolition and removal should be familiar with the laws, regulations related to demolishing-removing affairs and with the policies of demolition and removal, and have the corresponding professional knowledge related to the work of house demolition and removal.

Article16. While publish the announcement of house demolition and removal, the local administrative departments of house demolition and removal should supply the evaluation organizations of real estate of two and upwards that have the evaluation qualification of house demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel for choosing; the house demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel may also choose other evaluation organizations of real estate that have the evaluation qualification to conduct the evaluation on the houses to be demolished and removed. The house demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel should make a choice within 5 days as of the date of promulgating the announcement of house demolition and removal.

In case the house demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel choose the same evaluation organization, they should sign the entrusted agreement in common, the fees for evaluation should be paid by the house demolishing-removing personnel. If the house demolishing-removing personnel or the demolished-removed personnel have contentious opinions to the evaluation results, they may entrust another evaluation organization of evaluation qualification to evaluate again, and the fees for evaluation shall be paid by the entrusting party. In case the two evaluation results are within the error scope stipulated by the province, the original one shall be implemented. And in case the evaluation results are beyond the error scope stipulated by the province, the litigants of demolition and removal may solve them through consultation; if the consultation fails to solve, the administrative departments of house demolition and removal shall, applied by the litigants, organize evaluation experts to give a ruling on the evaluation results.

In case the house demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel choose evaluation organizations seperately, they should sign seperately the entrusted agreements with the evaluation organizations they choose, the fees for evaluation shall be paid by the entrusting parties seperately. If the two evaluation results are both within the error scope stipulated by the province, the evaluation result given by the evaluation organization entrusted by the demolished-removed personnel shall be implemented. If the two evaluation results are both beyond the error scope stipulated by the province, the litigants of demolition and removal may solve them through consultation; if the consultation fails to solve, the administrative departments of house demolition and removal, applied by the litigants, shall organize evaluation experts to give a ruling on the evaluation results.

In case the house demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel have agreed unanimously through consultation on the amount of compensation for the houses to be demolished and removed, they may not evaluate the houses to be demolished and removed.

Article17. Within the allotted time limit for demolition and removal announced by the administrative departments of house demolition and removal, the demolishing-removing personnel shall sign an agreement on the compensation and settlement affairs of demolition and removal with the demolished-removed personnel about the amount of compenstation, the ways of payment, the time limit of payment, the settlement areas, the settlement places, the time limit of removal, the transitional ways of removal, the time limit of transition, the responsibilities of violating the agreement and the items considered to be necessary to clear by the litigants according to the stipulations in these Regulations.

The demonstrative text of the agreement on compensation and settlement of demolition and remvoal shall be printed uniformly by the provincial administrative competent department of construction.

Article18. If the house demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel, or the house demolishing-removing personnel, the demolished-removal personnel and the house lessee fail to reach an agreement on compensation and settlement of demolition and removal, the administrative departments of house demolition and removal shall, applied by the litigants, give a ruling. If the administrative apartments of house demolition and removal are also the demolished-removed personnel, it shall be ruled by the people's governments at the same level. The ruling should be made within 30 days since the date of receiving the application.

If the litigants have contentious opinions to the ruling, they may bring a lawsuit in the people's courts within 3 months since the date of receiving the written ruling. In case the house demolishing-removing personnel have paid for the monetary compensation or provided the houses for settlement or for turnover to the demolished-removed personnel according to these Regulations, the performance of the demolition and removal shall not be suspended during the lawsuit.

Article19. The house demolishing-removing personnel shall be forbidden to put on the behaviors against the demolished-removed personnel who haven't removed or against the house lessee, which shall affect the normal production and life, such as stopping water supply, electricity supply, heating and gas supply within the time limit of demolition and removal announced by the administrative departments of house demolition and removal.

Article20. The demolished-removed personnel shall be forbidden to damage, remove the public establishments of the houses to be demolished and removed.

Article21. After signing the agreement on compensation and settlement of demolition and removal, the house demolishing-removing personnel should take back the certificates of the right of land utilization and of the house ownership uniformly, and go to the related departments to cancel their registrations. In regard to those public-owned houses, the owners of the house property rights should take back the certificates of house tenancy uniformly and cancel their registrations.

Article22. The house demolishing-removing personnel should sort out timely and well arrange the file materials of demolition and removal during house demolition and removal, and transfer them to the local administrative departments of house demolition and removal within 30 days since the date of completing the demolition and removal.

Article23. The house demolition and removal shall exercise the system of statistical forms for reporting, the house demolishing-removing personnel should fill in the statistical forms of house demolition and removal and report to the administrative departments of house demolition and removal regularly.

Chapter Ⅲ Compensation and Settlement for the Demolition and Remvoal

Article24. The house demolition and removal may be conducted by means of monetary compensation, they may also be conducted by means of exchanging the property rights.

The house demolition and removal shall be forbidden to implement different standards for the compensation and settlement towards the demolished-removed personnel because of different construction items.

The demolished-removed personnel shall have the right to choose the means of compensation except the regulations stipulated otherwise by the state.

In regard to the demolished and removed sections used for building the same kind of commerical houses, the demolished-removed personnel choosing the monetary compensation shall enjoy priority in buying the same kind of commercial houses in the original sections.

Article25. The amount of monetary compensation shall be fixed by the evaluation organs of real estate, in accordance with the guiding prices for the evaluation in real estate markets by the local people's governments when verifying and issuing the Permit for House Demolition and Removal, and in light of the factors such as the sections, uses, built-up areas, storeys, orientations, fixtures, environments, necessary establishments of the houses to be demolished and removed.

Article26. The people's governments at the municipality (prefecture) and county (city) levels should formulate and promulgate the guiding prices for the evaluation in real estate markets of different districts once a year on the bases of the principles and measures of formulating the guiding prices for the evaluation in real estate markets which are fixed by the competent department of prices of the provincial people's government together with the provincial administrative competent departments of construction. The competent departments of price of the local people's governments should hold a hearing of testimony before formulating the guided price for the evaluation in real estate markets.

Article27. In regard to confirming the construction areas and uses of the houses to be demolished and removed, the indicated marked areas and uses, which are marked in the certification of house ownership issued by the administrative departments of houses, shall be the criterions; in regard to those failing to be marked in the certification of house ownership, the areas and uses marked on the card of household registration shall be the criterions.

Article28. The demolished-removed personnel, who choose the exchange of the right of houses property, shall have the right to demand that the built-areas of the houses for settlement supplied by the demolishing-removing personnel shall not be smaller than those of the houses to be demolished and removed. The demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel should square the price differences of the exchange of the right property in accordance with the amount of compensation of the houses to be demolished and removed, and with the prices of the houses supplied for settlement.

Article29. The used for the demolition-removal settlement houses must satisfy the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, and satisfy the relevant standards for technology and quality.

Article30. The competent administrative departments of construction should offer their written opinions when they examine the designing documents for working drawing, and discover that the layout and facilities of the houses used for the demolition-removal settlement are designed unreasonably and may infringe upon the interests of the demolished-removed personnel, and the administrative departments of houses demolition and removal shall supervise the revision. The demolishing-removing personnel shall be forbidden to change the revised designs without authorization.

Article31. The houses to be demolished and removed having any of the following circumstances within the time limit of demolition and removal stipulated in the announcement of demolition and removal, the demolishing-removing personnel shall submit the programme of resettlement compensation and settlement, report to the administrative departments of houses demolition and removal for approval, and shall go to a notary orgon to transact the perservation of evidences and then conduct the demolition and remvoal:

(1)Having not solved the dispute of the rights of properties or uses;

(2)The whereabouts of the person of property right is unknown; and

(3)The person-shared-house-together failing to be in agreement.

Article32. To demolish and remove the houses, which are bought or built by the demolished-removed personnel and also are subsidized of by the state or their work units, the demolishing-removing personnel shall give respective compensations according to the investment proportions of the relevant sides.

Article33. In regard to the demolished-removed personnel who live a special hard life and are unable to settle houses by themselves, the demolishing-removing personnel must give them a appropriate settlement. The detailed standards and measures should be formulated by the local people's governments.

Article34. To demolish and remove the hired houses, if the demolished-removed personnel and the house lessee have removed their renting relationship, or the demolished-removed personnel have settled the house lessee, the demolishing-removing personnel shall give the compensation to the demolished-removed personnel.

If the demolished-removed personnel and the house lessee fail to reach an agreement on the settlement of renting relationship, the demolishing-removing personnel should offer the demolished-removed personnel a exchange of the property right of house. The houses exchanged the property right shall be leased by the original lessee. The demolished-removed personnel should sign a new lease contract with the house lessee.

If the houses to be demolished and removed belong to the direct administration ones or to the public ones administered by the units themselves (including uncomplete houses), the lessee shall enjoy the right to buy houses according to the policy of lodgings reform. The demolishing-removing personnel shall conduct the compensation and settlement to the lessee in accordance with the stipulations of these Regulations after the lessee have paid the fees for house purchase calculated according to the policy of lodgings reform to the owners.

Article35. The demolishing-removing personnel should pay the fees for removal to the demolished-removed personnel or to the house lessee.

During the transitional period, as for the demolished-removed personnel or the house lessee settle their lodgings by themselves, the demolishing-removing personnel should pay the temporary settlement subsidy, those needing to pass the winter, they should pay the heating subsidy. If the demolished-removed personnel agree to use the turnover houses supplied by the demolishing-removing personnel, the demolishing-removing personnel shall not pay for the temporary settlement subsidy, and if the demolishing-removing personnel have supplied the heating conditions, they shall not pay for the heating subsidy.

The standards for the fees for removal subsidy, heating subsidy and temporary settlement subsidy shall be stipulated by the local people's governments.

Article36. The demolishing-removing personnel and the demolished-removed personnel should obey the agreement of the time limit of transitional period. The demolishing-removing personnel shall be forbidden to extend the time limit of transitional period without authorization. In regard to the turnover houses supplied by the demolishing-removing personnel, the users of them should return the turnover house timely.

Article37. As for the extended time limit of transitional period because of the demolishing-removing personnel's responsibilities, and in regard to the demolished-removed personnel and the house lessee who settle the lodgings by themselves, the demolishing-removing personnel should, besides undertaking the responsibilities for violating the agreement, increase the payment for temporary settlement subsidy since the month exceeding the transitional period; in regard to those needing to pass the winter, they should pay for the heating subsidy.

Article38. In case of demolishing and removing the non-residential houses which cause the stop of production, the temporary stop of business and then cause economic losses, the demolishing-removing personnel shall give a suitable compensation to the demolished-removed personnel.

Article39. To demolish the unauthorized buildings and the temporary buildings exceeding the approved time limit shall not be given compensations; to demolish the temporary buildings unexceeding the approved time limit should be given suitable compensations.

Chapter Ⅳ Legal Liabilities

Article40. Those in violation of the provisions of these Regulations and committing any of the following behaviors shall be instructed to stop the demolition and removal and given a warning by the administrative departments of house demolition and removal, and shall be cumulatively imposed a fine of 1% to 3% of the settlement funds for the compensation for demolition and removal; where the circumstances are serious, they shall be revoked the Permit for House Demolition and Removal:

(1)Failing to conduct the house demolition and removal within the demolished-removed scopes specified in the Permit for House Demolition and Removal;

(2)Entrusting the demolition and removal to the unit without the qualification for house demolition and removal; and

(3)Extending the time limit of demolition and removal without authorization.

Article41. Those in violation of the provisions of these Regulations and committing any of the following behaviors shall be penalized by administrative departments of house demolition and removal:

(1)Those failing to obtain the Permit for House Demolition and Removal shall be instructed to stop the demolition and removal, given a warning and shall be cumulatively imposed a fine of RMB¥20 to 50 per square meter of the built-up areas demolished house;

(2)Those obtaining the Permit for House Demolition and Removal by fraudulent measures shall be revoked the Permit for House Demolition and Removal, and be cumulatively imposed a fine of 1% to 3% of the settlement funds for the compensation for demolition and removal; and

(3)As for the entrusted units of demolition and removal transferring the business of demolition and removal without authorization, they shall be instructed to correct, and confisated the illegal incomes, and be cumulatively imposed a fine of 25% to50% of the total fees for demolition-removal services specified by contracts.

Article42. The provincial competent administrative departments of construction may give a warning or the punishment of decreasing the level of qualifications to the evaluating organs of real estate which fail to evalute the houses to be demolished and removed in accordance with the standards for the evaluation of real estate; where the circumstances are serious, they shall be revoked the qualifications of the evaluating organs of real estate.

Article43. Those illegal behaviors of house demolition and removal should be given administrative sanctions according to law; as for the local administrative departments of house demolition and removal failing to give the punishment, the higher administrative departments of house demolition and removal may instruct them to give punishments; if they still fail to make the decision of administrative sanctions, the higher administrative departments of house demolition and removal may make the decision of administrative sanctions to the illegal behaviors directly.

Article44. As for the administrative departments of house demolition and removal and their working staffs violating these Regulations any having any of the following behaviors, their work units or higher administrative competent departments shall give administrative sanctions to the competent personnel in charge directly and other responsible persons; where a crime is constituted, the offenders shall be investigated into criminal responsibilities:

(1)Verifying and issuing the Permit for House Demolition and Removal and other documents of approval in violation of these Regulations;

(2)Failing to perform the duties of supervision and administration after verifying and issuing the Permit for House Demolition and Removal or other documents of approval;

(3)Failing to investigate into or punish the illegal behaviors of house demolition and removal; and

(4)Abusing their powers, illegally interfering the activities of house demolition and removal , indulging in malpractices.

Chapter Ⅴ Supplementary Provisions

Article45. In regard to those conducting the house demolition and removal on the state-owned land but beyond the districts of city planning, and it is necessary to compensate and settle the demolished-removed personnel they shall be implemented using these Regulations as reference.

Article46. These Regulations shall become effective on April 10, 2002. Meanwhile the Regulations of Jilin Province on the Administration of Demolition, Removal and Settlement of Urban Houses promulated by the standing committee of the 7th People's Congress of Jilin Province on May 10, 1992 shall be repealed
