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英文法律词典 A-12

F. Finalis, the last or latter part.
Fitzherbert's Abridgment.
F.& F. Falconer & Fitzherbert's Reports.
F. R.
Forum Romanum.
F.& S. Fox & Smith's Reports.
F. N. B. Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium.
Fairf. R. Fairfield's Reports.
Fac. Coll. Faculty Collection; the name of a set of Scotch Reports.
Falc. & Fitzh. Falconer & Fitzherbert's Election Cases.
Far. Farresly, (7 Mod. REp.) is sometimes so cited.
Farr's Med. Jur. Farr's Elements of Medical Jurisprudence.
Fearn. on Rem. Fearne on Remainders.
Fell. on Mer. Guar. Fell on Mercantile Guaranties.
Ferg. on M.& D. Ferfusson on Marriage and Divorce.
Ferg. R. Fergusson's Reports of the Consistorial Court of Scotland.
Ff. or ff. Pandects of Justinian: a careless way of writing the Greek ì.
Ferr. Hist. Civ. L. Ferriere's History of the Civil Law.
Ferr. Mod. Ferriere Moderne, on Nouveau Dictionnaire des Termes de Droit et de
Fess. on Pat. Fessenden on Patents.
fa. Fieri Facias.
Field's Com. Law. Field on the Common Law of England.
Field. on Penl Laws. Fielding on Penal Laws.
Finch. Finch's Law; or a Discourse thereof, in five books.
Finch's Pr. Finch's Precedents inChancery.
Finl. L. C. Finlayson's Leading Cases on Pleading.
Fish. Copyh.
Fisher on Copyholds.
Fitz. C. Fitzgibbon's Cases.
Fitzh. Fitzherbert's Abridgment
Fitzh. Nat. Bre. Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium.
Fl. or Fleta. ACommentary on the English Law, written by an anonymous author, in the
     time of Edward I., while a prisoner in the Fleet.
Fletch. on Trusts.
Fletcher on the Estates of Trustees.
Floy. Proct. Pr. Floyer's Proctor's
Fol. Foley's Poor Laws.
Fol. Folio.
Fonb. Fonblanque on Equity.
Fonb. Med. Jur. Fonblanque on Medical Jurisprudence.
Forr. Forrester's
Cases during the time of Lord Talbot, commonly cited Cas. Temp.Talb.
For. Pla. Brown's Formulae Placitandi.
Forb. on Bills. Forbes on
Bills of Exchange.
Forb. Inst. Forbes' Institutes of the Law of Scotland.
Forr. Exch. Rep. Forrest's Exchequer Reports.
Fors. on Comp.
Forsyth on the Law relating to Composition with Creditors.
Fortescue, De Laudibus Legum Angliae.
Fortesc. R. Fortescue's Reports, temp. Wm. and Anne.
Fost. or Fost. C.L. Foster's Crown Law.
Fox.& Sm. Fox & Smith's Reports.
Fr. Fragmentum.
Fra. or Fra. Max. Francis' Maxims.
Fr. Ord. French Ordinance. Sometimes cited Ord. de la Mar.
Fras. Elect. Cas.
Fraser's Election Cases.
Fred. Co. Frederician Code.
Freem. Freeman's Reports.
Freem. C. C. Freeman's Cases in Chancery.
Freem. (Mis.) R.
Freeman's Reports of Cases decided by the Superior Court of Chancery of Mississippi.
