英文法律词典 M-83
Periculosum est res novas et inusitatas inducere. It is dangerous to introduce new and dangerous things. Co. Litt. 379. Periculum rei venditae, nondum traditae, est emptoris. The purchaser runs the risk of the loss of a thing sold, though not delivered. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 939; 4 B. & C. 941; 4 B. & C. 481. Perpetua lex est, nullam legem humanum ac positivam perpetuam esse; et clausula quae abrogationem excludit initio non valet. It is a perpetual law that no human or positive law can be perpetual; and a clause in a law which precludes the power of abrogation is void ab initio. Bacon's Max. in Reg. 19. Perpetuities are odious in law and equity. Persona conjuncta aequiparatur interesse proprio. A person united equal one's own interest. Bacon's Max. Reg. 18. This means that a personal connexion, as nearness of blood or kindred, may in some cases, raise a use. Perspicua vera non sunt probanda. Plain truths need not be proved. Co. Litt. 16. Pirata est hostis humani generis. A pirate is an enemy of the human race. 3 Co. Inst. 113. Pluralis numerus est duobus contentus. The plural number is contained in two. 1 Roll. R. 476. Pluralities are odious in law. Plures cohaeredes sunt quasi unum corpus, propter unitatem juris quod habent. Several co-heirs are as one body, by reason of the unity of right which they possess. Co. Litt. 163. Plures participes sunt quasi unum corpus, in eo quod unum jus habent. Several partners are as one body, by reason of the unity of their rights. Co. Litt. 164. Plus exempla quam peccata nocent. Examples hurt more than offences. Plus peccat auctor quam actor. The instigator of a crime is worse than he who perpetrates it. 5 Co. 99. Plus valet unus oculatus testis, quam auriti de cem. One eye witness is better than ten ear ones. 4 Inst. 279. |