城市间的歧视 The Discrimination Between Cities
2023-11-24When we talk about the discrimination, we always think about the race between the black and the white. Black people are always looking down by the whi...
迎接新挑战 Embracing New Challenges
2023-11-24People always talk about age, because age reflects their state of mind, which is something universal despite different family, social or cultural back...
In China, almost every family has TV set in their house. Television has made great contribution to people’s daily lives and children’s edu...
我未来的事业 My Future Career
2023-11-24IfI had a chance to be a teacher in the countryside, my life would be wonderfuland meaningful, for it's a good way to achieve my value of life.如果我...
吃掉我们忠尽职守的护卫 Eat the Loyal Guard
2023-11-24In China, it is a very common phenomenon of eating dog’s meat. Especially inwinter, if someone would like to mend the body, the first food come ...
We all have many dreams, we want to travel around the world, have a taste of all kinds of food, be an engineer and so on. We are saying these because ...
如何有意义的生活 How to live a meaningful life
2023-11-24It maybe our common desires to experience a meaning life, but when it comes to the topic How to live a meaningful life”, the opinions are divide...
The young generation has been labeled as the lost generation; young college graduates are unemployed, upset about debt and unable to find a promising ...
梦想的力量 The Power of Dream
2023-11-24Asit is known to us, Ping An was chosen to perform on the CCTV Spring FestivalGala with his melodious and strong voice. Also, he had a great achieveme...
不要放纵自己Don’t Indulge Yourself
2023-11-24In our daily life, we can learn something from some cases. However, frommy point of view, I think that it is essential for us to know ourselves in ari...