梦想的力量 The Power of Dream
Asit is known to us, Ping An was chosen to perform on the CCTV Spring FestivalGala with his melodious and strong voice. Also, he had a great achievement onthis dream stage. Although he hadn't gain the popularity among the audience atthe beginning, he always kept his dream in mind and never gave it up. It is hissuccess that brings home to me the power of dream. Alife without a dream is a life without a sun. Therefore, in no circumstancescan we give up our dream. Unquestionably, dreams are of great importance. Forone thing, a person having a dream will be considered to be more responsibleand unswerving. For another, in pursuit of our dream, there is a chance thatgood habits and positive attitudes can be formed, contributing to our success. Asfor our students, what we should do is to choose a healthy seed and plant it onfertilized soil. Firstly, knowledge is the foundation of dream realization, sowe should spend much time in study to enrich ourselves. Secondly, it also takesperseverance and confidence if we want to realize our dreams. Last but notleast, we should not be craven and timorous but brave when we meeting obstacles. |