关于地球一小时 Earth Hour的英语日记
2023-11-24请你根据所给下面提示写一篇英语日记。星期六晚上,你上网时发现全球今晚要进行‘地球一小时’活动,即在8:30-9:30熄灭所有不必要的灯光,以达到节能减排、遏制气候变暖、改善地球环境的效果。(请补充完整你当晚的所做所感,细节自拟)注意:1 100词左右2 适当增加细节3 格式以...
广告的力量The Power of Advertisements
2023-11-24The Power of Advertisements广告的力量Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see?...
Some people seem to have a gift for learning languages.They pick up new words, master rules or grammar and learn to write in the newlanguage more quic...
电话不能取代书信 Phones Will Not Kill Letter Writing
2023-11-24Withthe development of people’s life standard and the progress of technology,phones have been very common in our lives. Therefore, there are som...
创造绿色校园Creating a Green Campus
2023-11-24The university school is like another home for our students. Its environment will affect our healthy growth and study. So it is important to create a ...
工作与娱乐Work and Play
2023-11-24Work and Play提纲1.有人认为应多工作。2.有人认为应多娱乐。3.我认为Work and play are two important parts in people's life, but some times they are contradictory, whether w...
为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language Is Important?
2023-11-24When you learn a foreign language,you must learn more than the vocabulary and the grammar. To communicatesuccessfully, you must also learn the non-ver...
给老师的一封信 A Letter to the Teacher
2023-11-24DearMiss Brown,Iam writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last twoyears. During the days of being your student, I learn a lo...
网络经济Net Economy
2023-11-24Net Economy网络经济People are talking about the "new economy"人们在谈论着新经济”。It's very different with the "old economy". They see...
Directions:女大学生找工作困难的原因 考研作文预测:就业与女性平等-考研英语 女大学生就业问题 女大学生就业难的问题 Nowadays, many female college graduates find it very hard to find a satisfying positio...