女大学生找工作难的问题Female University Students is Difficult Finding Jobs
Directions:女大学生找工作困难的原因 考研作文预测:就业与女性平等-考研英语 女大学生就业问题 女大学生就业难的问题
如今,许多女大学生发现很难找到一个满意的工作,因为雇主为她们提出了额外的要求。仔细研究如下图地并且写一篇文章,你应该 1)描述图画;2)讨论引起现象的原因;3)找出解决方案。你应该整洁地写在答题纸2上,约200字。(20分) I was profoundly shocked by what I have seen in this picture. As is shown in the picture, employers are particular about the female applicants for vacancies. They have extra requirements that women job seekers should be young and beautiful, but ironically, they only offer the low-paying positions without retirement pension, welfares, and weekends. 看到这幅图片我非常的震惊。如图所示,雇主们对女性职位有特别要求。他们额外要求女性求职者应该是年轻和美丽的,但具有讽刺意味的是,他们却只提供较低的薪酬的职位,没有退休金,福利,和周末。 What is reveled in this picture is a prevalent phenomenon in contemporary society. Some employers set very high standards for their female employees who must be not only qualified in education, but also outstanding in personal appearance. Therefore, it is not strange to hear reports about female graduates from famous universities failing to find a job because of the prejudices and the high standard held by the employers. 在这幅画揭露的是当代社会的一个普遍现象。一些雇主为他们的女员工提出了很高的标准,不仅在教育上有限制,而且还要个人外貌出众。因此,因为雇主的偏见与高标准,一点都不奇怪有名牌大学女大学毕业生找不到工作的报告。 Then what can we do to tackle this problem? One of the solutions, in my opinion, is that a positive attitude should be created in society towards female applicants. Women can over perform men in many aspects such as carefulness, patience, delicacy. On the other hand, female employers also should have confidence and the firm belief hat if they are really, they can surely find a satisfactory job despite all the prejudices. 那么我们能做什么来解决这个问题?在我看来,其中一个解决方法是女性求职者应该要保持一个积极的态度。女性在很多方面可以表现得比男性更优秀,比如,细心,耐心,细密。另一方面,女性的求职者也应该有信心,坚信如果她们有真才实学,虽然有偏见,但她们一定能够找到一份满意的工作。 |