你开心吗?(一)Are You Happy?(一)
2023-11-24Nowadays our lifeis becoming better and better. Our living conditions have progressed on a largescale. Thanks to the rapid evolution of science and te...
对于长期员工的看法 My View on Permanent Employee
2023-11-24Nowadays, most companies are faced with a common problem that feeling hard to find permanent employees. Many of their employees will leave the company...
WhenI first set my eyes on a father and his daughter, I heard the father ask abouthis daughter's school life. To my surprise, the girl told his fa...
我为什么要上大学 Why I went to College
2023-11-24The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.” Suc...
I like reading, especially for detectivenovel. I love recreating the scene from the novel in my mind, and I’m reallyfancy the bright detective w...
减压方法(一)Ways to Relieve Pressure (一)
2023-11-24In modern society, pressure isubiquitous. As students, we have to endure the pressure from examination, fromhomework and from our parents’ expec...
如何禁止酒驾? How to Ban Drunken Driving?
2023-11-24Drunken driving cases have been increasing and have caused numerous deaths. Some people suggest drunken driving should be made into a felony while oth...
Recentdecades have seen the rapid development of information technology. It plays asignificant role in our daily life. According, our reading habits c...
With the intensification of human activities, the ozone layer of the earth's surface appears serious hole. Maybe ozone layer is abstract to many p...
It seems so normal that parents will take care of their children’s children in China. We can see a large crowd of grandparents standing in front...