改编经典 The Adaptation of the Classics
2023-11-24Inrecent years, many adapted classics have appeared and aroused a great concernconstantly. In these adapted works, we can find that even some typical ...
婚姻与工作如何抉择?Marriage or Job, How to Choose?
2023-11-24From the emergence of " Marry-Upon-Graduation", and the 1970 s to be the maid of honor of 1980s, urban women’s marriage seemsovernight...
动物庄园读后感Ideas after reading Animal Farm
2023-11-24Animal Farm tells a story that one day the animals overthrow the farmer Mr. Jones, and found their own regime, called "Animal Farm”. They a...
我对学校内舞弊的看法My View of Cheating on Campus
2023-11-24Though it iscontemptible to most of the students and forbidden by the university andauthority, cheating is far from extinct. What’s worse is tha...
守时的好处 The Benefits of Punctuality
2023-11-24Every time when it comes to meeting or dating, it is impossible for us to present in time all the time, because there will be some uNPRedictable situa...
亚利桑那州 Arizona
2023-11-24When it comes to the issue of Arizona, I cannot always help imagining the beautiful views of Arizona where I am dreaming of travelling for a long time...
分数之我见My View on Grades
2023-11-24Almost all students pay great attention ongrades because those who get high scores are considered as winners. Hence, studentsare trying their best to ...
谈家教On Private Tutor
2023-11-24It is quite common that most students haveprivate tutors since competitions nowadays are extremely intense among studentsboth in schools and society. ...
There is no doubt that it isvery important to keep a harmonious relationship with our roommates since wespend most of time in the dorms as college stu...
余额宝之我见 My View on YuE Bao
2023-11-24Alipay’s YuE Bao as an online payment platform in China, is rapidly gaining popularity among online retailers and shoppers. This service allows ...