
  • by Cynthia Zarin To Mary Jo Salter Beyond the ice-bound stones and bucking trees, past bewildered Mary, the Meer in snow, two skating rinks and two bl...

  • Real Life


    by Lucie Brock-Broido Soon the electrical wires will grow heavy under the snow. I am thinking of fire of the possibility of fire & then moving Acr...

  • Reapers


    by Jean Toomer Black reapers with the sound of steel on stones Are sharpening scythes. I see them place the hones In their hip-pockets as a thing that...

  • Red Pens


    by Tony Towle The little Hispanic girl at the stationer's on Park Avenue South just now asked me my name, and repeated Tonio when I replied Tony. ...

  • Ski Lift to Death!


    by Matthew Rohrer It was a basement with its own basement, and in that basement were machines and dusty weapons, the engines of the house; where the f...

  • Skills


    by Jonathan Aaron Blondin made a fortune walking back and forth over Niagara Falls on a tightrope—blindfolded, or inside a sack, or pushing a wh...

  • Skunk Hour


    by Robert Lowell For Elizabeth Bishop Nautilus Island's hermit heiress still lives through winter in her Spartan cottage; her sheep still graze ab...

  • Sky


    by Anzhelina Polonskaya Translated by Andrew Wachtel He broke up the sky on the square and gave it like bread crumbs to birds. Then he cut it in piece...

  • Skylab


    by Rolf Jacobsen Translated by Roger Greenwald We've come so far, thought the astronaut as he swam around the capsule in his third week and by acc...

  • 无言独上西楼, 月如钩。 寂寞梧桐深院 锁清秋。 剪不断, 理还乱, 是离愁。 别是一般滋味 在心头。 ——李煜 Crows Crying at Night Mute, mounting west tower alone, I see the hooklike moon. L...