
  • I believe that a well-known anecdote exists to the effect that a young writer, determined to make the commencement of his story forcible and original ...

  • It was five minutes past nine when I entered our joint sitting-room for breakfast on the following morning.My friend Poirot, exact to the minute as us...

  • In a moment Poirot had leapt from the car, his eyes blazing with excitement. He caught the man by the shoulder.What is that you say? Murdered? When? H...

  • Fran?oise had left the room. The magistrate was drumming thoughtfully on the table.M. Bex,” he said at length, here we have directly conflicting...

  • We found M. Hautet awaiting us in the hall, and we all proceeded upstairs together, Fran?oise marching ahead to show us the way. Poirot went up in a z...

  • Between them, the doctor and M. Hautet carried the unconscious woman into the house. The commissary looked after them, shaking his head.Pauvre femme,&...

  • As we retraced our steps to the house, M. Bex excused himself for leaving us, explaining that he must immediately acquaint the examining magistrate wi...

  • We were up at the Villa betimes next morning. The man on guard at the gate did not bar our way this time. Instead, he respectfully saluted us, and we ...

  • In the Salon I found the examining magistrate busily interrogating the old gardener Auguste. Poirot and the commissary, who were both present, greeted...

  • The man who entered the room was a striking figure. Very tall, with a well knit athletic frame, and a deeply bronzed face and neck, he dominated the a...

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