An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 14
2023-12-05ON the evening of Fan's visit, Polly sat down before her fire with a resolute and thoughtful aspect. She pulled her hair down, turned her skirt ba...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 13
2023-12-05"I'VE won the wager, Tom.""Did n't know there was one.""Don't you remember you said Polly would be tired of her t...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 12
2023-12-05"I'M perfectly aching for some fun," said Polly to herself as she opened her window one morning and the sunshine and frosty air set her ...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 11
2023-12-05DEAR POLLY, The Sewing Circle meets at our house this P. M. This is in your line, so do come and help me through. I shall depend on you.Yours ever, FA...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 10
2023-12-05POLLY'S happiest day was Sunday, for Will never failed to spend it with her. Instead of sleeping later than usual that morning, she was always up ...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 9
2023-12-05THE first few weeks were hard ones, for Polly had not yet outgrown her natural shyness and going among so many strangers caused her frequent panics. B...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 8
2023-12-05"WHAT do you think Polly is going to do this winter?" exclaimed Fanny, looking up from the letter she had been eagerly reading."Going t...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 7
2023-12-05"OH, dear! Must you really go home Saturday?" said Fan, some days after what Tom called the "grand scrimmage.""I really must;...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 6
2023-12-05"WHERE'S Polly?" asked Fan one snowy afternoon, as she came into the dining-room where Tom was reposing on the sofa with his boots in th...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 5
2023-12-05AFTER being unusually good, children are apt to turn short round and refresh themselves by acting like Sancho. For a week after Tom's mishap, the ...