Rose In Bloom - Chapter 1
2023-12-05Three young men stood together on a wharf one bright October day awaiting the arrival of an ocean steamer with an impatience which found a vent in liv...
Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 4
2023-12-05The work of weeks is soon recorded, and when another month was gone these were the changes it had wrought. The four so strangely bound together by tie...
Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 3
2023-12-05For several days the Cubans were almost invisible, appearing only for a daily drive, a twilight saunter on the beach, or a brief visit to the ballroom...
Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 2
2023-12-05"What jewels will the señora wear tonight?""None, Dolores. Manuel has gone for flowers - he likes them best. You may go."&q...
Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 1
2023-12-05To and fro, like a wild creature in its cage, paced that handsome woman, with bent head, locked hands, and restless steps. Some mental storm, swift an...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 19
2023-12-05"Come, Philander, let us be a marching, Every one his true love a searching,"WOULD be the most appropriate motto for this chapter, because,...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 18
2023-12-05POLLY wrote enthusiastically, Ned answered satisfactorily, and after much corresponding, talking, and planning, it was decided that Tom should go West...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 17
2023-12-05I THINK Tom had the hardest time of all, for besides the family troubles, he had many of his own to perplex and harass him. College scrapes were soon ...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 16
2023-12-05THE weeks that followed taught the Shaws, as many other families have been taught, how rapidly riches take to themselves wings and fly away, when they...
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 15
2023-12-05GOING into the Shaws' one evening, Polly found Maud sitting on the stairs, with a troubled face."Oh, Polly, I'm so glad you've come!&...