
  • Why is it so common to be cold/unfriendly/antisocial in the UK?为什么在英国冷漠/不友好/反社会很普遍?获得9.8k好评的回答@Mike Richmond:My guess is that you have gained that exp...

  • 受疫情影响,备受瞩目的漫威电影宇宙第四阶段电影推迟到了2021年上映,不过好饭不怕晚,你喜欢的蜘蛛侠、黑寡妇和其他漫威超级英雄终将和你见面。"Black Widow” (May 7)《黑寡妇》(5月7日上映)The movie that was supposed to kick...

  • 火树银花合,星桥铁锁开。灯树千光照,明月逐人来。”如果说腊八”拉开了过年的序幕,那么过完元宵节”,年”也就算过完了。元宵节”(the Lantern Festival),又称灯节、元夕、上元节,标志性时间在一年的第一个月圆之夜—...

  • 随着女性地位的提高,中性词汇的使用逐渐普及并改写着现代语言,然而法国议会近日提出的一项法案却认为应该禁用中性词汇,从而保护法国语言不受威胁。France could ban 'confusing' gender inclusive words under a new law prop...

  • 有人认为,懒惰是一切失败的根源,那么有什么站战胜懒惰的好办法吗?Quora网友分享了自己克服懒癌的方法,一起来看高赞回答。获得488好评的回答@Srujan Pendela:I used to be so lazy all the day, procrastinating things, sleep...

  • 英语学习可以很枯燥,也可以很有趣,取决于你怎么学。下面5个小贴士可以让你享受英语学习。1. Read 学会阅读Read as much as you can in English. No matter what it is, from cartoons to British literature a...

  • Those 4 words never sounded so good我从未觉得这几个字如此动听til the June morning直到一个六月的早晨in my mom's hospital room.在母亲的病房里It began when my mother was admitted...

  • What is the best way to master a skill?掌握技能最好的方法是什么?获得94.9k 好评的回答@Shobhit Bakliwal:Jerry Seinfeld, the famous comedian , gave a surprisingly effective...

  • What is the smallest thing a person ever did for you that impacted your life?别人为你做过什么最小的事却影响了你的生活?获得17.5k好评的回答@Gail S Clark:He gave me a chunk of glas...

  • 官宣!一直传言纷纷的《Vogue 服饰与美容》新编辑总监人选终于尘埃落定。2月25日,康泰纳仕集团正式宣布 Margaret Zhang (章凝)成为《Vogue 服饰与美容》的全媒体编辑总监。现年27岁的章凝,是 Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。As a 27-year-old Chinese A...