藏族小伙丁真走红已经有一段时间了,外交部发言人华春莹甚至都在社交媒体推特上转发了他的笑容视频。 网友们很满意他最终的去向是为家乡理塘的旅游做宣传,但担心给他开的薪水不够多。 四川省甘孜州理塘县文旅体投资发展有限公司的负责人介绍,这份月薪3500元的工作只是劳务合同,公司不会参与丁真其他商业收入的分成,且会派老师上门教他普通话等等。 "He'll get a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan as well as insurance and subsidies. We'll check the qualifications of the companies that want to cooperate with him to prevent him from being cheated. We'll take no bite of the income or the presents he receives," he said. 走红后不久,时差岛发布的一段3分钟的视频,拍的就是他和理塘,质量非常高,以至于B站上涌现了不少将该视频剪辑成高级广告的二度创作。 视频里的雪山、湖泊、草原、寺庙无一不让弹幕背后的观众惊叹——它们和丁真一样天然与纯净。 理塘也终于火了。 这个海拔4000米的“高城”拥有蓝天、白云、雪山、草地。出了理塘城门就是高山草原,70多公里外就是闻名遐迩的海子山。
丁真走红后,一同出现的是理塘旅游的繁荣之机。 旅游平台携程的数据显示,理塘这座刚刚脱贫不久的县城搜索量在丁真走红后飙升。 On Ctrip's website, searches for Litang started going up on Nov 20. In the week from Nov 23 through Sunday, the search average shot up 620 percent compared with the previous week and was four times greater than during the National Day holiday in October. Shine的文章报道说,理塘在藏语里的意思是“像铜镜一样平坦的草地”。 Dubbed "the city in the sky," Litang is located over 4,000 meters above sea level and 654 km from Chengdu, the provincial capital. In the Tibetan language, Litang means "flat grasslands like bronze mirrors." 著名旅游系列丛书《孤独星球》(Lonely Planet)也没有漏掉理塘这颗川西明珠。 Rich grasslands flecked with nomad encampments stretch away from the dizzyingly high (3886m) town of Litang and, off in the hazy distance, hills pile upon hills and buckle up into soaring mountain peaks. Both the scenery and the altitude will leave you breathless, and getting out to see it – whether on horse, motorcycle or foot – calls for spending at least a couple of days here.
用到breathless(没法呼吸,令人窒息),还不忘双关一把,说醉人的风景(scenery)和可能引起高反的海拔(altitude)都让你屏息不已。 丁真的家乡是在四川不错,但他的藏族身份容易让人误以为他是西藏的。甚至有网友一拍脑袋决定为了他一定要去西藏玩玩儿。这,也在微博上掀起了一场各地旅游部门的狂欢——“争夺”丁真。 Interestingly, some careless fans originally thought Tamdrin's hometown was in the Tibet autonomous region and expressed their wish to travel there, which prompted Sichuan's media groups and tourism department to demonstrate the fact on Weibo that Tamdrin belongs to them.
Over the weekend, more provinces and autonomous regions around China, including Qinghai, Gansu, Shandong and Zhejiang, joined the rivalry for Tamdrin's visit as well as tourists' attention by showing their sceneries on Weibo. 看完如何用英语介绍理塘,我们再来回顾下英文报道里是如何形容丁真的外貌的。 《南华早报》就比较通俗,用的是good looks(好看的长相)。 Ding Zhen, a 20-year-old ethnic Tibetan man in China’s Sichuan province, has found fame online for his good looks, leading to him receiving job offers and accepting one from a State-owned travel company. Shine则比较细致,说的是Bambi eyes(像小鹿斑比一样的大眼睛)和a bright smile(一个阳光的笑容)。还援引了网友的形容词——wild(野性)、sweet(甜)、pure(纯真)。 With Bambi eyes and a bright smile, 20-year-old Tibetan herdsman Tamdrin became the latest Internet celebrity after a video clip and photos featuring his handsome face went viral online.
还有一些报道用到的词是innocent(天真无邪的)。 Ding Zhen, a Tibetan man from Litang, Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, became an online celebrity overnight due to his innocent looks.