New Fuxing trains ready to roll 复兴号全系列车组投用 New-type Fuxing bullet trains with a speed of 250 km per hour will soon be put into use on several railway lines, according to the China State Railway Group. The CR300 bullet train, a new addition to the Fuxing bullet train family that now covers the speed range from 160 km to 350 km, will be put into service on the railways linking Hangzhou and Shenzhen, Lianyungang and Zhenjiang, Guiyang and Guangzhou, among others. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司近日表示,时速250公里的CR300型复兴号动车组很快将投入使用,即将在杭深、连镇、贵广等多条高铁线路开通运营。至此,我国时速160公里至350公里复兴号系列动车组全部投用。 This marks an important step in China's railway development, and shows that China will continue to lead the world in high-speed rail technology, according to the company. 国铁集团称,这是我国铁路发展史上的重要一步,展现出中国高铁技术持续领跑世界。 So far, Fuxing bullet trains have operated 836 million km safely, transporting a total of 827 million passengers. It is expected that Fuxing bullet trains will be used in all provincial-level regions on the Chinese mainland next year, the company said. 目前复兴号动车组已累计安全运行8.36亿公里,运送旅客8.27亿人次,2021年复兴号将覆盖中国大陆所有省份。 |