关于食品安全的10个知识 了解一下很有必要(下)
我们都知道食品安全非常重要,但是关于食品安全你了解得够多吗?一起来增长见识。 6. The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it 鉴别牛奶是否变质的最好方式就是闻一闻 Experts say that if you keep your fridge closer to 34℉, instead of the standard 40℉, you can get an extra week out of your milk. Of course, the longer its container was kept sealed, the better. All in all, it's always best to trust your good old nose and just smell the stuff. 专家表示,如果你的冰箱温度在1摄氏度左右,而不是标准的4-5摄氏度,你的牛奶保质期就能延长一周。当然,包装盒密封时间越长越好。总而言之,最好的办法就是用你的鼻子闻一闻。 7. A funky taste in water doesn't mean you can't drink it 水有怪味不意味着不能喝 Ever left a glass of water sitting on the bedside overnight and then it had that funky taste in the morning? Well, turns out it's perfectly fine to drink. Duh—after all, there are no ingredients in the water that would make it go bad. 你是否曾把一杯水放在床头一整夜,然后早上喝的时候感觉有怪味?实际上,这杯水是能喝的。毕竟,水里并没有什么会让其变质的成分。 8. Produce bins in fridges are full of germs 冰箱的果蔬室充满了细菌 A NSF International study found that the fridge produce compartment is one of the most "germiest" areas in people's kitchens. Therefore, it's essential to regularly clean out produce bins with hot water and liquid soap to prevent the buildup of bacteria. 美国国家科学基金会的一项国际研究发现,冰箱果蔬室是厨房里细菌最多的地方之一。因此,定期用热水和洗洁精清洁果蔬室以防止细菌累积是很重要的。 9. Chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat 切菜板比马桶圈脏200倍 It has been found that chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat! And as it turns out, washing it after every use does not protect you from all the bacteria. It is recommended to have several chopping boards so you can use them for different types of food. In addition to this, you should change your chopping boards regularly as bacteria can hide in its scratches and crevices and thus contaminate other foods. 研究发现,切菜板比马桶圈还要脏200倍!事实证明,每次用完后清洗切菜板并不会防止各种细菌入侵。最好是多备几块切菜板,用来切不同类型的食物。除此以外,你还应该定期换切菜板,因为细菌会藏在切菜板的刀痕和裂缝里,从而污染其他食物。 10. It's not recommended to rinse meat 不建议用水冲洗生肉 While some people rinse meat and poultry before cooking, it turns out that while it can remove some of the bacteria from the surface, it doesn't do anything to those that are tightly attached. In addition to this, water can splash while rinsing meat onto worktops, cutlery, etc., and thus contaminate them. 有些人在烹饪前会用水冲洗生肉,但事实上,尽管水能冲走生肉表面的一些细菌,但是对于一些紧紧附着在肉上的细菌不起作用。此外,在冲洗生肉时,水还会溅到操作台和刀具等物品上,从而对其造成污染。 |