4月3日晚,埃及首都开罗上演了一场史诗级盛大仪式——“法老的金色游行”(The Pharaohs' Golden Parade)。 仪式的主角是22具古埃及法老和王后木乃伊,一列金色车队将他们从始建于1858年的埃及国家博物馆转移至新建的埃及文明博物馆,电视和流媒体全程直播。 法老的金色游行 晚8时许,在军乐队伴奏和“埃及艳后”、祭司装扮的演员们的引领下,数十辆汽车、数十匹马组成的车队载着22具木乃伊由警车护送,缓缓驶出埃及国家博物馆,经过解放广场向文明博物馆方向而去。 Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers through the capital, Cairo. The lavish, multimillion-dollar spectacle saw 22 mummies - 18 kings and four queens - transported from the peach-colored, neo-classical Egyptian Museum to their new resting place 5 km away.
With tight security arrangements befitting their royal blood and status as national treasures, the mummies were relocated to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in what is called The Pharaohs' Golden Parade. 这22具珍贵的木乃伊分别来自埃及新王国第17至第20王朝,其中包括最有名的拉姆西斯二世国王,以及埃及历史上著名的女法老哈谢普苏特。有历史学家认为,新王国时期年代上大体相当于中国商朝时期,堪称古埃及最鼎盛、最辉煌的时期。 The ancient royals who were on the move included Ramses II, the longest reigning pharaoh, and Queen Hatshepsut, one of Egypt's few female pharaohs. 据了解,这22具木乃伊均来自埃及南部古城卢克索。19世纪以来,考古人员分批发掘木乃伊,沿尼罗河将它们航运至首都开罗,存放在始建于1858年的埃及国家博物馆。 The mummies were discovered in 1881 and 1898 in two caches in the ruins of Thebes, Egypt's ancient capital - modern day Luxor in Upper Egypt. They were housed in the iconic Egyptian Museum and visited by tourists from around the world for the past century. 用于运送木乃伊的金色定制花车。图源:新华社(艾哈迈德·戈马摄) Each mummy was carried on a decorated vehicle fitted with special shock-absorbers and surrounded by a motorcade, including replica horse-drawn war chariots. While ancient mummification techniques originally preserved the pharaohs, for the move they have been placed in special nitrogen-filled boxes to help protect them against external conditions. Roads along the route have also been repaved to keep the journey smooth. 这些车辆造型精美,配有翅膀、法老标志等图样,设计灵感来自于古埃及运送法老遗体的木船造型。 伴随这支游行车队,埃及知名交响乐团、多名歌星和艺术家献上盛大演出,在电视和流媒体直播中吸引众多海内外观众。 Saturday's move of the mummies was streamed online for all enthusiasts of ancient Egypt to watch. 大约半小时后,车队抵达埃及文明博物馆。现场鸣礼炮21响,埃及总统阿卜杜勒-法塔赫·塞西亲自在博物馆门口迎接。联合国教育科学文化组织、世界旅游组织等多个机构的官员出席当天仪式。 为什么要给法老搬家?
后来,有祭司看到法老陵墓惨状,担心木乃伊也会遭破坏,于是将他们成批转移,藏在卢克索帝王谷的密室里。直到19世纪,人们才从帝王谷两处地点找到数十具古埃及王室木乃伊,随后大多转移至埃及国家博物馆安放至今。 旅游业是埃及的经济支柱产业之一,近年来为吸引更多游客,埃及政府兴建了两座新的博物馆:大埃及博物馆和埃及国家文明博物馆。 根据规划,所有与古埃及著名法老图坦卡蒙相关的文物将搬到大埃及博物馆,王室木乃伊则转移到埃及文明博物馆展出。新博物馆的展陈条件更好,也更适合保存木乃伊。 4月3日,在联合国教科文组织总干事奥德蕾·阿祖莱和联合国世界旅游组织秘书长祖拉布·波洛利卡什维利的见证下,埃及总统塞西宣布埃及文明博物馆正式启用。该博物馆主厅于4日对外开放,存放木乃伊的大厅将于18日对公众开放。 |