威廉夫妇抱小王子访动物园 与袋狸亲密接触
爱思英语编者按:在悉尼的一家动物园里,乔治小王子人生第一次见到澳大利亚版的复活节兔子——兔耳袋狸,小家伙开心地尖叫着。 Prince George squealed with delight as he met Australia's version of the Easter Bunny for the first time, a bilby named after him at the zoo in Sydney. 小编注:兔耳袋狸分布于澳大利亚西北部和中部,是当地最奇特的有袋类动物之一。 Meanwhile, the Duchess of Cambridge sniffed a koala to discover whether the animals really do smell of eucalyptus and Prince William tentatively handed a hungry giraffe a carrot. During the visit at Taronga Zoo, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge officially opened The Prince George Bilby Exhibit at the Sydney landmark. The future king, who will be nine-months-old on Tuesday, met George, a three-and-a-half-year-old bilby in the enclosure. His original name was Boy but he was renamed George two months ago to celebrate the Prince's birth last year. The infant Prince, carried by his mother when they arrived, looked on in wonder at the crowd surrounding the enclosure and then wriggled his arms and legs in excitement, squealing and gurgling when he spotted his namesake bilby. His parents took it in turns to hold him in their arms and to support him standing up on the ground, restraining him as he tried to climb into the enclosure to get at the bilby. 'He's trying to grab his ear,' said Kate, 32, who was wearing a yellow dress. 'If he gets it he'll never let go,' said William, who kissed the top of his son's head. |