万圣节临近,肯定有不少小伙伴们都在搜肠刮肚地想:打扮成什么样才最具吸引力!尤其是吸引异性的目光,从万圣节开始一段浪漫的邂逅~ 我们不妨来看看外国交友网站PlentyOfFish的调查,啥样的装扮给力,啥样的就不行捏?该网站调查了500名21岁以上的单身男女,看看什么流行扮相最好~ Not all Halloween costumes are equally attractive to potential romantic partners, according to dating service PlentyOfFish. In a survey of 500 US singles over age 21, PlentyOfFish asked men and women which pop culture costumes they were most likely to dress as, and then which costumes they would find the most attractive on members of the opposite sex. 男士最爱装扮: 小丑形象顺理成章占据榜首~不知道是不是因为这个装扮不难搞 此外, 一大堆影视形象,比如:蝙蝠侠、死侍、囧雪诺、皮卡丘也成为了小伙伴们的万圣节装扮选择~ 而火爆一时的美国总统候选人特朗普竟也榜上有名~ 甚至在里约奥运会上闹出“打砸加油站”丑闻的泳坛名将罗切特也成了大家的cosplay对象。 但是在女性眼中,哪个男性扮相最受欢迎呢? 看到区别了吧?首先,小丑和蝙蝠侠的比例颠倒了一下,也就意味着男性喜欢打扮为小丑,但是女性觉得蝙蝠侠的吸引力更大一些~而且,注意了,这里是重点!在女性看来,特朗普low爆了! What are the major differences? First, Batman and The Joker are roughly flipped, meaning men are a lot more likely to dress as The Joker, but women are more likely to be most attracted to Batman. Second, women are not attracted to Donald Trump. He came in last. 还有一点也值得注意,受访男性里只有2.1%的人选择了皮卡丘,但是却有6.4%的女性认为皮卡丘很有吸引力~ But perhaps the biggest surprise comes with Pikachu, who was chosen by just 2.1% of men, but chosen most attractive by 6.4% of women. Excuse me~这样会不会显得皮卡丘很大只吗? 而在女性青睐的装扮上,神奇女侠一枝独秀! 在男性眼里也同样具有魅力: 不过,小丑女哈莉•奎茵也很受欢迎~ 当然,与“特朗普”的待遇一样,打扮成希拉里,同样是没有吸引力的…… 推荐:2016万圣节 Halloween |