垂柳依依The Willow
The Willow Standing gracefully on its strong base, Swaying along the river bed, Talking to the rushing water, The water in which it is wed. They stand side by side, As the wind rushes by, His branches reaching down to touch his wife, Their love is enough to make you cry. But the water keeps on rushing by, And now wants to move on, Leaving the old willow behind, Wishing that he had died. So the willow weeps, Every night and every day, But the river does not care, And simply moves on its way. Now the willow has grown old, Its branches hanging down, But it weeps no more, For in its place has grown a small town. 伟岸的柳树屹立河旁 潇洒的柳枝随风轻扬 流水聆听垂柳的衷肠 双双步入爱情的殿堂 柳拥抱水,水偎依柳 微风阵阵,爱意绵绵 扯不断的儿女情长 似一江春水无边荡漾 垂柳情深,流水义薄 继续迈着前行的脚步 执意抛弃年老的柳树 诅咒曾经的恋人死去 黑夜白昼 伴着泪流 垂柳肝肠寸断 流水越走越远 垂柳日渐苍老 枝条无力轻摇 他已不再流泪哭泣—— 脚下小城拔地而起 |