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Mazelli, and Other Poems (Canto1,4)



    And now, their rustic banquet done, And sheltered from the noontide sun By the old willow's pleasant shade, The guest and host the scene surveyed; Marked how the mountain's mighty base The valley's course was seen to trace; Marked how its graceful azure crest Against the sky's blue arch was pressed, And how its long and rocky chain Was parted suddenly in twain, Where through a chasm, wide and deep, Potomac's rapid waters sweep, While rocks that press the mountain's brow, Nod o'er his waves far, far below;() Marked how those waves, in one broad blaze, Threw back the sun's meridian rays, And, flashing as they rolled along, Seemed all alive with light and song; Marked how green bower and garden showed Where rose the husbandman's abode, And how the village walls were seen To glimmer with a silvery sheen, Such as the Spaniard saw, of yore, Hang over Tenuchtitlan's walls, When maddened with the lust of gore, He came to desecrate her halls; To fire her temples, towers, and thrones, And turn her songs of peace to groans.

    They gazed, till from the hermit's eye A tear stole slow and silently; A tear, which Memory's hand had taken From a deep fountain long congealed; A tear, which showed how strongly shaken The heart must be, which thus revealed, Through time's dim shadows, gathering fast, Its recollections of the past; Then, as a sigh escaped his breast, Thus spake the hermit to his guest.
