Song (中英对照)
You‘re wondering if I’m lonely OK then, yes, I‘m lonely As a plane rides lonely and level On its radio beam, aiming Across the Rockies For the blue-strung aisle Of an airfield on the ocean You want to ask, am I lonely Well, of course, lonely As a woman driving across country Day after day, leaving behind Mile after mile Little towns she might have stopped And lived and died in, lonely If I‘m lonely It must be the loneliness Of waking first, of breathing Dawn‘s first cold breath on the city Of being the one awake In a house wrapped in sleep If I‘m lonely It‘s with the rowboat ice-fast on the shore In the last red light of the year That knows what it is, that knows it‘s neither Ice nor mud or winter light But wood, with a gift for burning 你想知道,我是否孤独 确实如此,我非常孤独 孤独就象客机在旅途 电波消逝,迷茫而无助 飞越山脉和深邃的陕谷 找寻碧海中的着陆之处 你想探问,我是否孤独 当然如此,我非常孤独 就如独自驾车的女子 每天每日,一程又一程 在乡间路上跋涉不住 不知哪座城镇是归宿 我若孤独,是某个清早 最先苏醒感到的孤独 当整个城市还在沉睡 是我呼吸着寒风冷雾 这座梦神包裹的小屋 只有一个人无眠独处 我若孤独,是北极海岸 困守冰封小艇的孤独 唯有最后的一缕希望 那是什么?既不是极光 也不是浮冰或是泥土 是枯木,带着火的天赋 |