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 狼牙月伊人憔悴我举杯饮尽了风雪A crescent moon,cold and gray,Is when my fair lady pines away A cup in my hand,Downing snow and wind of all kind

是谁打翻前世柜惹尘埃是非who upsets my former life stirring up dust and grief?

缘字诀几番轮回你锁眉哭红颜唤不回Our fate is already written down,No matter how many times it goes round. hard and sad you wrinkle your brows crying over beauty fading like the hours.

纵然青史已经成灰我爱不灭Even if history goes up in ashes my love never ever dies.

繁华如三千东流水我只取一瓢爱了解只恋你化身的蝶of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands I only take one scoop to bear in minds Obsessed with the butterfly flapping in your after life.

你发如雪凄美了离别我焚香感动了谁Hair flowing,snow falling,It takes beauty and sorrow to make a parting. Whose heart is touched when incenses are burnt?

邀明月让回忆皎洁爱在月光下完美Inviting the moon to light up a past,full,and bright,the love shall ever last.

你发如雪纷飞了眼泪我等待苍老了谁Your hair flows as the snow falls Scattering away hot tears Who,in my wait,has advanced in years?

红尘醉微醺的岁月我用无悔刻永世爱你的碑Slightly drunken is the worldly Red Dust;

Regret-it-not is the memorial ever carved in my heart.
