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The Cow Town Ballet

This here is the story of Jed Beaudelay,who once was the head of the Cow Town Ballet,the greatest of all of the old western sights,for Jed would take milk cows and dress them in tights.In tutus and slippers his cows would sashay,they'd spin pirouettes, they'd glissade and plié.And cowpokes from Boston to Monterey Baywould journey to Cow Town to see the ballet.And every night how his cattle would dance!They'd act out a musical cattle romance,with skill and precision, with grace and with flair,they'd glide 'cross the stage and they'd leap through the air.And when it was over the cowpokes would cheerand even the manliest men shed a tearfor nowhere on Earth but the Cow Town Ballethad anyone ever seen cattle sashay.Old Jed Beaudelay would still run the ballet,if not for the fact that when cattle sashay,and all of their tutus are flapping aroundtheir costumes make sort of a shuffling sound.And some no-good cowpoke, on hearing that sound,grewy rather unhappy; he stopped and he frowned,then ran to the sheriff, deciding to tattle,so Jed was arrested for rustling cattle.
