Shrek 2 怪物史莱克2(精讲之五)
Queen: Harold? Fiona: Dad? King: I'd hoped you'd never see me like this. Donkey: And he gave you a hard time. Shrek: Donkey! King: No, no, he's right. I'm sorry, to both of you. I only wanted what was best for Fiona. But I can see now she already has it. Shrek, Fiona... Will you accept an old frog's apologies... and my blessing? Queen: Harold? King: I'm sorry, Lillian. I just wish I could be the man you deserve. Queen: You're more that man today than you ever were... warts and all. Puss: Boss! The Happily Ever After Potion! Shrek: Midnight! Fiona. Is this what you want? To be this way forever? Fiona: What? Shrek: Because if you kiss me now... we can stay like this. Fiona: You'd do that? For me? Shrek: Yes. Fiona: I want what any princess wants. To live happily ever after... with the ogre I married. Puss: Whatever happens, I must not cry! You cannot make me cry! Donkey: No. No, no. Aaah! Ow. Oh, no. Shrek: Hey. You still look like a noble steed to me. Fiona: Now, where were we? Shrek: Oh. I remember. Puss: Hey! Isn't we supposed to be having a fiesta? 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. yup=yes 2.croak 3.warts and all 思想火花
而在Shrek2中,面对着自己的白马王子,Fiona还是毅然决定要找回她的珍爱Shrek。更不可思议的是,在本部影片的结尾,两位主人公居然放弃美貌,宁可伴着怪物的美名度过他们的余生。 整部影片的剧情真的可以称的上是跌宕起伏。而且这种起伏可是和平常的Disney影片大不相同。它打破了以往人们的传统观念:在童话故事中,只有王子和公主才会永远幸福的生活在一起。在Shrek2的结尾部分,我们可以感觉到导演想要传输给我们的不可击败的事实:谁说人丑就有罪过,谁说人丑就不会有真爱,只要两人用真诚去感动对方,用心去爱对方,任何人都可以爱得很精彩! |