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Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(精讲之一)



Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(精讲之一)Samuel: And the German military is ready to use chaos in Croatia as justifications for actions that could plunge the entire civilized world into...

Colonel Ludlow: Samuel! The word "civilized" has no place in any discussions of the affairs of this world.

Alfred: Miss Finncannon, Mother has told us of your sympathy for the social reformers.

Susannah: You make it sound like a disease.

Alfred: No, no, no, on the contrary, I'm in agreement.

Susannah: Your mother told me all about One Stab. She says that he was a great warrior.

Alfred: Oh yes. He has a bag of scalps sitting away somewhere to prove it too, but don't worry, he's...haha... he's devoted to father now.

Samuel: Or rather, they're devoted to each other. 

Susannah: Can he speak English?

Alfred: Stab? Speak English? He wouldn't lower himself to speak English. Would you, Stab? But watch out. Because he understands it perfectly well.

Samuel: Hey, there's Tristan.

Samuel: Don't they feed you up there?

Tristan: Not much.

Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(精讲之一)Samuel: You smell.

Tristan: Miss me, did you?

Samuel: Still hung over?

Tristan: Still drunk.

Samuel: Isn't she amazing?

Susannah: So this is Tristan. And does he speak English?

Alfred: Tristan, for God's sake.

Tristan: Miss Finncannon. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you and Ugly here find every happiness together.

Alfred: Don't mind my brother. Your dog has more breeding than he has.


1. plunge into

“卷入,陷入”的意思。Samuel的意思是说“整个文明世界都被卷入到战争中”。 Plunge 还可以指“全神贯注地投入到某件事情中”,例如:The kids plunged into the story. 孩子们整个被这个故事迷住了。

2. Has no place in

“‘文明'这个词根本不能用来形容这个世界。”在Colonel Ludlow看来,这个世界虚伪又残忍,根本谈不上“文明”。Has no place in 通常的意思是 inappropriate (不适合/不应该……),但语气要比它强许多。例如:Fast food has no place in hospitals. 快餐不应该卖到医院里。
. One Stab

叙述整个故事的印第安老人,是美国屠杀印第安人后的幸存者,Colonel Lodlow 的朋友, Tristan 的师父。

4. Rather

“更确切地说”的意思。例如:He is my friend, or rather he was my friend. 他是我的朋友,更确切的说,他曾经是我的朋友。

5. Lower oneself

“降低自己的身份,做出有损道德、有损尊严的事”,例如:I won't lower myself to do such kind of things. 我才不会降低身份做这种事呢!


Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(精讲之一)“有些人能清楚地听见自己内心的声音,并按这个声音的指引生活。这样的人,不是疯了,就是成了传说。”在悠扬的乐声中,老印第安人开始讲述这个漫长而又忧伤的故事。那故事是从一个洒满银色月光的秋夜开始的,Tristan 也从此开始了他传奇的一生。

Legends of the fall 是1994年的经典电影之一。那一年著名的电影还有《阿甘正传》、《肖申克的救赎》、《低俗小说》……在如此众多的精彩影片之中,Legends of the fall 以优美的西部风光、悠扬苍茫的音乐和荡气回肠的爱情故事打动了无数人的心。 在西部片日渐式微的时候,Legends of the fall 是好莱坞制作的独辟蹊径的西部片典范。它没有通常西部片中的枪林弹雨和救世英雄,情节叙述也是缓慢推进,夹杂了长长的旁白,但是配上风景如画的西部风光和James Horner的经典配乐,这部散文诗般的影片赢得了大众的心。

Legends of the fall这部电影是根据吉姆·哈里森的同名小说改编的。但是改编后的电影和小说又大有不同,也因此使它成为“好莱坞”式的大片。原著中着重描述父子四人之间的感情和纠纷,女主角苏珊娜则是一个比较虚无缥缈的人物。而在电影中,苏珊娜与三兄弟的感情纠葛则是贯穿电影的主线内容。这也是好莱坞大片一贯的商业风格。


What does Alfred mean by "He has a bag of scalps somewhere to prove it"?
