The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之六)
Morgan: Oh, God, Katie, I didn't get you anything. I'm sorry. I've just been so swamped and... Kate: Doesn't matter. Henry: Oh. What is this? It's global warming. Henry: Dr. Forster? Hi, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Vanessa: Hi. Dr. Forster. Good to see you again. Kate: You too. Vanessa: You're welcome. Morgan: Hi, I'm Morgan. Vanessa: Hey, Morgan. Vanessa Vanderbeck. Henry: So obviously, the first thing you see is what we had talked a bout. The atrium. Kate: That's stunning. So we were able to do it with all the glass panels in the metal structure? Henry: Yeah. Kate: Can I--? Alex: Wanna get a beer after work? Henry: I'm sorry, I can't. I'm taking Vanessa out for Valentine's Day. Alex: Wait. Say that again. Henry: It's Valentine's Day today. I'm taking out Vanessa, my girlfriend. Cold champagne, some oysters, maybe a little chocolate. Alex: What's the date? Henry: It's February 1 4th. Alex: February 14th, 2006. Henry: Yeah. Kate: Stunning. Thank you so much. Henry: Our pleasure. Vanessa: Thank you. Henry will make sure you have everything. Kate: Great. They were absolutely beautiful. Thank you. Morgan: What? Katie, I gotta get back to work. Kate: Who did this drawing? Henry: My brother did, actually. Kate: Who's your brother? Henry: Alex Wyler. Did you know him? Kate: Yeah. Yeah, I know him. Do you know how I can get in touch with him? Is he--? Is he anywhere that I can...? Henry: I'm sorry. He died two years ago today, actually. There was an accident. Kate: Where? 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. swamped 这个单词本身作为动词是“陷入沼泽, 淹没, 覆没”的意思。名词自然就是“沼泽地”的意思,但是它还有一些引申的词义,比如在这里它的意思是“使应接不暇,使陷入困境”等等。 2. stunning 意思是“极好的”“足以使人晕倒的”,当然也有“使人惊讶的”意思。如: 3. say that again. 这里的这个句子就是它本来的意思,Alex 让 Henry 重复一遍他刚才说的话。我们还可以学一个跟这个句子很相似的句子:You can say that again. 我们来看一个例子: 4. take out 在这里,这个词组的意思是“带(某人)出去”,在这里其实就是和某人约会,在口语中大家也经常这么用,比如在电影 Sabrina中有一句台词是 David's taking out Patrick Tyson's daughter. 大卫在和泰森的女儿约会。
影片的结尾处,还是在情人节, 原本已经打算把这份感情埋藏起来的Alex突然想到了两人之前的通信中Kate提到过这一天她在广场上,尘封起来的激情再一次爆发,他冲向湖边小屋去找Kate的信,这是他的2006年,Kate的2008年,此时的Kate在Henry的公司里发现了Alex的画作,并得知Alex于两年前的今天死于一场车祸,她突然省悟到两年前那个在广场上死在自己怀里的人就是Alex。所以接下来她疯了一样冲向了湖边小屋的神奇邮箱。还是在同一个广场上,Kate母女俩在说着相同的话题。但是这一次在熙来攘往的人群中,我们看到了Alex忧郁的双眼在深情注视着Kate。Kate在邮箱跟前祈祷,希望Alex不要去找自己,让他再等两年,两年后的今天来湖边找她。尽管广场上Alex向前迈了一步,但他很快又退了回来,他的手里拿着Kate写给他的关于等待的信。两个人的感情感动了上帝,Alex没有再向前走,车祸也没有发生。而邮箱前的Kate停止了哭泣,因为她看到了向她缓缓驰来的Alex的车。 整部电影无论画面还是配乐,色彩,让人感觉安静而简单,当然这当中缺不了Keanu Reeves 和 Sandra Bullock 时隔十年之后的再度合作,对孤独的无能为力,对真爱的略带绝望,两人静静地表演着。很难得,好莱坞的电影演出了东方的味道,散发着神秘的淡淡的却总是纠缠不清的忧伤。 英语巴士网 将下面的句子译成英语。 1. 婚礼的事让他们忙得不可开交。 The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之五)考考你 参考答案 1. 走了一天的路,晚上大家都快饿死了。 |