A Walk in the Clouds《云中漫步》(精讲之三)
Victoria: That's a lot of wishing. Paul: It usually boiled down to one wish, really. Victoria: What was that? Paul: What you have in there. Victoria: Everyone always telling you how you should live your life. Paul: Better than having no one telling you. Pedro: You know, in 1580 the first Aragon, also a Pedro, came from Spain to Mexico with a dream in his head, the clothes on his back, and the root from the family's vineyard inside his pocket. Excuse me. May I...see one more? Which one? Ah, that's no good. Try one more. Ahh...that's wonderful. Come...I will show you something. This is the root I brought with me, a descendant from the root the first Pedro brought with him. All our vines come from this one. It's not just the root of Las Nubes. It's the root of our lives, of Victoria's life. Now that you're a part of all this, a part of us, it is the root of your life. You are an orphan no longer. So, you will stay with your family while we harvest the fruit? Ah. It's a special time. It's a time of magic. Paul: I really can't. I have commitments. Pedro: What about the commitments to your family? W-What can be more important than that? Paul: I would like to, really. But I can't. Pedro: He said you would not stay. Paul: Who did? Pedro: Alberto. He said, "The first chance the gringo gets, he will leave her." His exact words. Paul: I'm not leaving her. I'm-- Pedro: No, no, no, no. I understand. Just my poor granddaughter. He will whip her with it. She'll be the one to pay for your commitments. Such a pity. Such a sweet girl. Paul: But it would just be the difference of a day. Pedro: The most important day of our year, the day that makes or breaks our fortunes--that's what he will throw up to her for the rest of her life. I know my son. Paul: Don Pedro. Pedro: Eh? Paul: You're right. It's only one day. I'll stay. Pedro: Right. May I? It's a good thing. You have no more chocolates to sell, anyway. Come on. Victoria: I thought you were leaving. Paul: I thought it would be better for you if I stuck around at least until the harvest. Alberto: Don't you have chocolates to sell? Paul: Family comes first. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Boil down 在这里的意思是"Simplify, summarize, or shorten; lead to the conclusion that缩短,减少,归纳为,简单地归结为",例如: 2. Throw up to 这里的意思是"criticize, upbraid 责备,指责",例如: Dad was always throwing it up to the boys that they were careless and messy. 3. Stick around 俚语,意思是"逗留,停留",例如:If you had stuck around, you'd have seen the fireworks. 文化面面观 Las Nubes --- Napa Valley 北加州的纳帕山谷 Las Nubes 是西班牙语,意思是 the clouds。影片中的 Las Nubes 就如同一个梦幻中的葡萄园,当 Napa Valley contains many vineyards, such as this one. 得起 the clouds 的美名。据说为了寻找一个带有梦幻般色彩的葡萄园,导演曾经亲赴欧洲、澳洲和南美各地挑选,最后才终于选定了美国加州的纳帕山谷。它的美丽也确实在影片中展现无疑。在纳帕山谷中,无论清晨还是傍晚,山坡上都会出现阵阵薄雾,使人有如临梦幻之感。而片中导演那梦幻与现实相结合的拍摄方法,更是使影片充满了拉美梦幻现实主义的浪漫风情和韵味。Napa Valley is widely considered one of the top wine regions in California, and all of the United States with a history dating back 思想火花 这是一个关于爱和根的故事。保罗本是一个孤儿,在上战场的前夕和自己并不了解的妻子结了婚。在复员回家后,保罗又踏上了买巧克力的道路。在列车上,保罗结识了维多利亚,了解到她所面临的困 和保罗相比,维多利亚是个有根的人,无论是她父亲自夸的"她的祖先可以追溯到墨西哥最有名望的家族",还是葡萄园中那颗被奉为图腾的老葡萄树,都表示着这个家族的源远流长。一家人居住在一起,慈祥的爷爷,明理通达的妈妈,这些都是保罗所不具有、并且极端渴望的。当他爱上维多利亚后,他融入了这个家族,找到了自己的根,心中幼年的创伤和残酷战争对他的伤害才开始愈合。 《云中漫步》是浪漫爱情影片,而男女主人公的爱情则因环境使其亲近,然彼此又分外克制而更加唯美动人,也许从相识之初乃至保罗决定与维多利亚一起去葡萄园时,他们也并没有想到最终会跌进爱情的巢臼,恰是这意外的自然,使保罗的善良与正义感更加突显出来。爱很多的时候总会阴差阳错,然真情的萌动仍会穿越千山万水的心路历程使对方感知。 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子译成英语。 1.这件事除去枝节不管,可以归结为你们俩谁也不喜欢谁。 2.我希望你能留在这里直到结束。 A Walk in the Clouds《云中漫步》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案 1.他被工作束缚住了。 2.上个月鲍勃和玛丽分手了。 3.我并非真的说我的合伙人是条蛇,不过是打个比方。 |