The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之三)
Billy: No. Costello: You met my friend Mr. French the other night. Billy: Is his real name Mr. French? Costello: No. Come with me. I'm not the cops. Not asking you. You know something? They just do not stop having the Maffia in Providence! And this can cause me a lot of problems. Those guys you tuned up, they're connected down Providence. What they're gonna do is come back with some guys and kill you. Which - as sure as you were born - they will do. Unless I stop them. Do you want me to stop 'em? Billy: Is this something I can't do personally? Costello: I'm gonna have my associate search you. Billy: No! No one's fuckin' searchin' me. Searchin' me for what? Costello: Contra-fuckin-band. Take your shoes off! French: Shoes. Costello: I knew your father. Billy: Yeah? Do you know he's dead? Costello: Oh sorry. How did he go? Billy: He didn't complain. Costello: Yeah, that was his problem. Billy: Who said he had a problem? Costello: I just said he had a fuckin' problem. He was a man who could have been anything. Billy: Are you trying to say that he was nothing? Costello: I'm sayin' he worked at the airport. French: He's clean. Costello: Arm. French: Yeah. Come on. Costello: What fuckin' arm. French: Show me your arm. Flip it. Costello: Makes me curious to see you in this neighborhood. French: He's clean. Costello: And if I can slander my own environment. It makes me sad, this regression. Plus I don't know if it is beyond some fuckin' cop prick like Queenan to pull you out of the Staties and send you after me. I just can't know. I don't know what they do in that particular department anyway. Are you still a cop? Billy: No! No! Costello: Swear on your mother's grave! You're still not a cop? Billy: No, I'm not a fuckin' cop! No! Costello: Are you gonna stop doing coke deals with your jerk-off fuckin' cousin? Billy: Yes, yes, yes! Costello: All right, all right, all right. You're ok, you'll be ok. Get your hand taken care of. I'm sorry. It was necessary. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Tune up Tune up 的本意是"调音,调整,调节",这里引申为"惹到,教训"。 Clean 在这里是个俚语,指的是"没有携带隐藏起来的武器的"。作为俚语用时,它还可以表示"没有携带隐藏的毒品的;无罪的;没有毒瘾的"。 3. Coke 我们常常听到老美把可乐叫成coke,但这里的coke 可不是"可乐"的意思,它表示的是毒品的一种:可卡因(呈白色晶体状,兴奋作用强)。其它常见毒品的俚语表达有: pills: 药丸,但在俚语中指的是"安非他明",一种强力兴奋剂 文化面面观 Mafia 意大利黑手党
The real name: "Cosa Nostra" According to some mafiosi, the real name of the Mafia is Cosa Nostra (literally, "our thing"). Many have claimed, as did the Mafia turncoat Tommaso Buscetta, that the word "mafia" was a literary creation. Other Mafia defectors, such as Antonio Calderone and Salvatore Contorno, said the same thing. According to them, the real thing was "cosa nostra". To men of honour belonging to the organization, there is no need to name it. Mafiosi introduce known members to other known members as belonging to "cosa nostra" (our thing) or la stessa cosa (the same thing/the common thing). Only the outside world needs a name to describe it, hence the capitalized form "Cosa Nostra".
The American Mafia, specifically the Five Families of New York, has its roots in the Sicilian Mafia, but has been a separate organization in the United States for many years. Today, American Cosa Nostra cooperates in various criminal activities with the different Italian organized crime groups which are headquartered in Italy. It is wrongly known as the "original Mafia", although it was neither the oldest criminal organization, nor the first to act in the U.S. In 1986, according to government reports, it was estimated that there are 1,700 members of "La Cosa Nostra" and thousands of associate members. Reports also are said to include the Italian-American Mafia as the largest organized crime group in the United States and continues to hold dominance over the National Crime Syndicate, despite the increasing numbers of street gangs and other organizations of neither Italian nor Sicilian ethnicity. American Cosa Nostra is most active in the New York metropolitan area, Philadelphia, New England (see the Patriarca crime family), Detroit, and Chicago, but has members in many other major cities around the United States and also participates in international criminal activities. Canada also has its mafia families. The Martiello family, headed by an ailing Domenico Martiello, rules the Toronto area while the Bracaglia family, ruled by a very violent father/son combo of Angelo and Mike Bracaglia are in control of Vancouver. These two families seem to be the most powerful in the country. 考考你 将下面一段话译成汉语。 Plus I don't know if it is beyond some fuckin' cop prick like Queenan to pull you out of the Staties and send you after me. I just can't know. I don't know what they do in that particular department anyway. The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案 1. 不能只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪。 |