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Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之二




Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之二

Priest: Bye.

Woman: Goodbye.

Frankie Dunn: Hey, Father, that was a great sermon. Made me weep.

Priest: What's confusing you this week?

Frankie Dunn: Oh, it's the same old one God, three God thing.

Priest: Frankie, most people figure out by kindergarten it's about faith.

Frankie Dunn: Is it sort of like Snap, Crackle and Pop all rolled up in one big box?

Priest: You're standing outside my church comparing God to Rice Krispies? You only come to Mass every day to wind me up. It’s not going to happen this morning.

Frankie Dunn: Well, I’m confused.

Priest: No, you aren't.

Frankie Dunn: Yes, I am.

Priest: Then here's your answer: There's one God. Anything else? Cos I’m busy.

Frankie Dunn: What about the Holy Ghost?

Priest: An expression of God's love.

Frankie Dunn: And Jesus?

Priest: Son of God. Don't play stupid.

Frankie Dunn: Well, what is he, then? Does that make him a demigod?

Priest: There are no demigods, you fuckin' pagan! Did you write to your daughter?

Frankie Dunn: Absolutely.

Priest: Now you’re lying to a priest. You know what? Take a day off. Don't come to Mass tomorrow.

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (voice-over): Some people'd say the most important thing a fighter can have is heart. Frankie'd say ''Show me a fighter with nothing but a heart and I’ll show you a man waiting for a beating.'' Think I only ever met one fighter who was all heart.

Danger Barch: My name's Dangerous Dillard Fightin' Flippo Bam-Bam Barch out of Broward County, Texas!

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (voice-over): Danger showed up a couple of years back. He'd come visiting L.A. with Ervel, his mama's new boyfriend. Apparently, Ervel got lost and ended up back in Texas. Danger looked for him for about a week 'fore he introduced himself.


1. Figure out

这里的意思是“了解,明白 understand the meaning of”,例如:Did you figure out my meaning? 你明白我的意思了吗?

2. Roll up

这里可不是“卷起”的意思,而是“make into a bundle 卷成一捆”,因为他们谈论的是圣父、圣子和圣灵三位一体,所以Frankie 用了这个比喻。Snap, Crackle 和 Pop 一个麦片产品的广告卡通形象。

3. Wind someone up

这个片语的意思是“使某人紧张/兴奋,戏弄某人”,例如:Don't try to wind me up! 不要想戏弄我!
