格斗狂人十秒击败太极大师 多位功夫高手向其下战书
上周,被称为中国MMA第一人的“格斗狂人”徐晓冬仅用10多秒时间,就KO太极拳师“雷公太极”魏雷。获胜者徐晓冬认为“传统武术是花拳绣腿,太极是骗人的”。各大门派的高手也纷纷向徐晓冬发起挑战,欲为中国传统武术正名。徐晓冬更是在自己的微博上发布声明,称自己将接受所有武林掌门人的挑战,但唯一的条件是只跟掌门人打。徐晓东甚至还向马云的保镖和奥运冠军邹市明下了战书,这不禁引起了炒作的质疑。 事件缘起:散打教练10秒KO太极拳师 4月27日,一场号称“新中国成立以来最真实的武术比赛”在四川成都举行。比武双方分别是北京什刹海体校散打教练、MMA(综合格斗)教练徐晓冬,与雷公太极创始人雷雷。与观众期待的精彩打斗不同,比赛开始刚刚过去10多秒,雷雷就被徐晓冬打倒在地。 More kung fu masters have risen to the challenge posed by a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter in China after the man defeated a tai chi master in just 10 seconds. The duel last week between MMA fighter Xu Xiaodong and tai chi master Wei Lei in Chengdu, Sichuan province, sparked heated debate over which is superior – modern combat tactics or traditional martial arts – after a video of the fight was widely shared online. 格斗狂人向整个武林“下战书” 这段视频发布在网上,一时间引发舆论对中国传统武术的质疑,各大门派的高手也纷纷向徐晓冬发起挑战,欲为中国传统武术正名。 Mr Xu told The Beijing News on Monday (May 1) that a handful of other kung fu masters had since responded to his open challenge. “I will surely accept the challenge,” he said. Mr Xu had issued the challenge to various kung fu masters and even said on his Weibo account that he could defeat two or three of them together. 由于他持续不断地展开对中国武术的挑战,作为少林寺第一护法武僧、第三十四代武僧的释延觉坐不住了,他正式向徐晓冬发出挑战!
Mr Lu, who is president of the Sichuan taichi pushing hands research institute, told the Chengdu Business News that he had invited Mr Xu to a public duel to “teach him a lesson”. “He is deeply biased against the traditional martial arts and his words were insulting. I challenged him so he could have a fresh perspective of tai chi and the true traditional martial arts,” said Lu, who specialises in a form of tai chi known as tuishou, or pushing hands. Mr Lu said he was 80 percent sure of winning the fight as tai chi masters had “iron fist, air foot and iron back, which need more than 20 years of hard practice”. Mr Xu’s form of martial arts was more about projecting an explosive force, he said. Mr Wang, the other tai chi master, also accepted Mr Xu’s challenge in a public statement. The Henan native who practises the Chen style of tai chi said it was not necessary to justify the martial art, but that he decided to fight Mr Xu in order to silence online dissenters. The Chen style of tai chi is characterised by a “silk-reeling” movement that alternates fast and slow motion and bursts of power. Mr Yi, the fighter monk, wrote on Weibo that he, too, accepted Xu’s challenge. He would not stand for the MMA fighter insulting traditional Chinese martial arts and deceiving the public, he said. Xu is a trained kung fu free-combat sportsman who taught himself MMA fighting. In his duel with Mr Wei Lei, he pummelled the tai chi master to the ground within 10 seconds. Mr Wei Lei is a practitioner of the Yang style of tai chi, characterised by its slow, steady movements. 徐晓冬:我不怕输 我在打假 徐晓冬坚持认为“传统武术是花拳绣腿,太极是骗人的”。他在做直播节目时更是爆出,全中国99%的武术都是假的。 Mr Xu said traditional Chinese martial arts were all about form but not practical. Tai chi could not be compared to real combat tactics, he said. 作秀还是炒作? 徐晓冬放话说,要三分钟撂倒马云保镖。他还向奥运拳击冠军邹市明下了战书,而且还@了王思聪。然而邹市明似乎并不想卷入这一话题。
有媒体披露徐晓冬准备在格斗节目《勇士的荣耀》上PK各路武林掌门人,这一消息得到了节目创始人郭晨冬的证实。 很多网友表示:“整半天,这是赤裸裸的电视节目的炒作。”徐晓冬对此回应说,“如果曝光就是炒作,那我就是在炒作。” |