包包、衣橱、厨房也能共享 细数五花八门的共享经济
“共享家族”的新成员——共享包包是一种奢侈品女包共享租赁、以租代买的商业模式。 以国内奢侈品包包共享平台“抖包包”为例,用户可以通过关注其微信服务号或者下载应用,实现浏览、租赁、置换包包的服务。 Depending on the quality and type of bag, users can pay anything from 99 yuan to 1,878 yuan. The company, Dou Baobao, asks that users pay an additional 30-50% deposit on the overall market price of the bags. 目前,“抖包包”上架的包包有百余款,包括爱马仕、香奈儿等一线奢牌。一款专柜价32000元的香奈儿羊皮单肩包租金为1878元/月,而售价37677元的迪奥手提袋租金为938元/月。 Dou Baobao founder Cheng Kaiwen told Securities Daily in June that his business model has "economic and environmental" benefits, and said that such services could help Chinese users distinguish between fake and real goods in an increasingly saturated market. 共享衣橱 事实上,“抖包包”并不是第一家提供奢侈品共享服务的公司。早在2009年,Rent the Runway公司就推出了共享衣橱概念,他们从礼服租赁起家,2015年开始转向日常穿着租赁。Rent the Runway的宣传口号是:Why buy when you can rent(能租干嘛买)? Customers can rent one of Rent the Runway’s designer dresses and accessories for a 4- or 8-day period for 10% of the retail price. Rental prices include the dry cleaning and care of the garments. Rent the Runway的客户不仅可以短期租借服饰,还可以享受包月服务:
共享厨房 不仅穿戴可以共享,吃喝一样可以共享。近年来,共享美食也在迅速崛起,最典型的就是以C2C(Consumer To Consumer)为代表的共享厨房模式。从2014年开始,爱大厨、好厨师、烧饭饭等应用软件纷纷上线,掀起一轮共享美食热潮。 这些第三方应用平台基于地理定位,将临近社区的厨艺达人和食客链接起来。用户可以通过第三方平台预订厨师、代买食材,聘请星级专业厨师上门服务。 |