这个周末,你的朋友圈有没有被一档文博节目刷屏? A large-scale cultural exploration program National Treasure made its debut on Channel 3 of China Central Television on Sunday night. 该节目一经播出就引发热议,收获好评无数,目前豆瓣评分高达9.3分。这个节目为什么会这么火呢? 事实上,《国家宝藏》与以往一本正经的文博节目有很大不同。 As a cultural variety show, the National Treasure is dedicated to showcase the background stories of national treasures, and fuses various art forms including studio variety show, documentary and drama. Each treasure in the show will be presented by "national treasure keepers" acted by celebrities and common people, to tell their stories with the collections, interpreting their historical mystery. 《国家宝藏》总共10期,每期90分钟,每集节目聚焦一家博物馆。通过明星小剧场演绎+专家巨匠解读的方式,深入浅出,让大众去感受国宝之美和历史之厚重。 During the TV show, the nine major museums in China – the Palace Museum, Shanghai Museum, Nanjing Museum, Hunan Provincial Museum, Henan Museum, Shaanxi History Museum, Hubei Provincial Museum, Zhejiang Provincial Museum and Liaoning Provincial Museum – will each present three national treasures across its episodes. 每个博物馆推荐的镇馆之宝将交予民众甄选。最终,节目组将以《国家宝藏》为主题在故宫举办一场特展,展品即为最终甄选出的9件国宝。 节目组为这些国宝选择的27位明星“护宝人”包括梁家辉、王刚、王凯、刘涛、秦海璐、段奕宏、李晨、易烊千玺、马苏等等! In the first episode, the Palace Museum in Beijing showcases three treasures: a stone drum, painting A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains by Wang Ximeng and Large Vase with Variegated Glazes. Famous actors Wang Kai, Li Chen and Tony Leung played roles of national treasure keepers, along with other actors, and narrated the treasures' legendary life journey and shared their stories with these treasures.
明星小剧场环节是节目中娱乐性最强的,每期三位明星会扮成历史人物直接演一段国宝故事,这个段落被戏称为“博物馆版演员的诞生”。国宝故事并非完全是史实,节目里标注了是“基于历史合理虚构”。 Hong Kong actor Tony Leung, who called himself a "half Forbidden City man", spent much time in the Palace Museum when shooting the film Reign Behind a Curtain in which he played Emperor Xianfeng. This time, he is the keeper of the 2,300-year-old stone drum and acts as famous statesman Sima Guang in Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) in the TV show. Wang Kai, performing as Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) Emperor Qianlong in the show, presented the historical background of Large Vase with Variegated Glazes, which has the most complicated craftsmanship in the history of Chinese imperial porcelain.
甚至连其父雍正皇帝也在梦中吐槽这瓶子的审美太浮夸。网友笑称,清朝的审美似乎从乾隆开始就转换跑道了...... 这些官方吐槽笑坏了网友,大家纷纷表示,原来乾隆这么自信又可爱。 Li Chen, acting as Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), tells the history of Wang Ximeng's precious painting A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains. 《千里江山图》段落,请到了一个痴迷于这幅画的中央美术学院教师冯海涛。他尝试着复制画出了《千里江山图》的部分,并向观众讲解古人如何创作出一幅千年不褪色的画作。 节目组还请来了非物质文化遗产名录国画颜料技艺传承人——仇庆年先生为大家介绍古画中的矿石颜料。仇庆年现场演示了繁复的颜料提取过程,要把矿石敲碎、磨粉、筛细、漂清……磨粉要每天磨八小时,磨20天…… 节目除了明星现场,还专门设置了一个第二现场,由来自全国东南西北的9大博物馆馆长组成了“第一点评天团”。 《国家宝藏》节目通过这些创新的形式,让摆在博物馆里的珍宝“活了过来”,那些传世文物不再是冷冰冰的图片和符号,而是带着故事、温度、情感寄托的存在,为人们打开了了解历史的新大门。 |