法国将推最强校园手机禁令 校长学生都不买账
The French government is to ban students from using mobile phones in the country’s primary, junior and middle schools. Children will be allowed to bring their phones to school, but not allowed to get them out at any time until they leave, even during breaks. A proposed ban was included in Emmanuel Macron’s successful presidential election campaign this year. Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French education minister, said the measure would come into effect from the start of the next school year in September 2018. It will apply to all pupils from the time they start school at age of six – up to about 15 when they start secondary school. Blanquer said some education establishments already prohibited pupils from using their mobiles. 早在2010年法国《教育法》就曾出台相关法令:在幼儿园、小学和初中,教学活动期间及校内规定场所内禁用手机。法国教育部长布朗凯不久前接受媒体采访表示,禁用手机是为了保护学生,避免他们被手机和视频分散了学习的注意力。 “Sometimes you need a mobile for teaching reasons … for urgent situations, but their use has to be somehow controlled,” he told RTL radio. The minister said the ban was also a “public health message to families”, adding: “It’s good that children are not too often, or even at all, in front of a screen before the age of seven.” 那么,法国人买账吗?你大概以为学校要举双手赞成,但是意见最大的就是校长们。 The French headteachers’ union was skeptical that the ban could be enforced. “This new announcement from the [education] ministry leaves us dubious because we’re having trouble understanding what is the real issue here. In general, we’re used to them being logical and pragmatic about things, and here, we can’t find the logic or the pragmatism in the announcements,” said Philippe Vincent, the union’s deputy general secretary. 法国学生们也对禁令能否推行表示怀疑,有的学生甚至表示,这么做根本毫无意义。 Outside one middle school in the centre of Paris, pupils asked about the measure seemed unimpressed. “I don’t understand how it will work. Who will take the phones, where will they put them … how will we get them back?” said one 13-year-old boy. At another school, Mathilde, 12, said: “It’s ridiculous. At my school, we don’t use them in class or during recess, so what’s the problem? If anyone’s caught using one in the toilets or at lunchtime, the phones are confiscated immediately and the person is given detention.” 事实上,法国学生在学校用手机非常普遍。有调查称,拥有手机的法国青少年中,一半人在课堂上使用过手机。法国家长们虽然不赞成在学校用手机,但是对手机禁令也是喜忧参半。 Parents seemed uncertain too. “It’s probably a good idea when the kids are in school, but they can’t ban them bringing them to school,” said Sabine. “My daughter goes to school and comes home on her own, and at this time of year it’s dark so early, so I want her to have a phone with her. It’s reassuring.” She added: “But rather than a ban, wouldn’t it be better to install a signal blocker in schools?” 然而,最大的问题还是,手机寄存柜要放在哪?学校没有地儿啊。 Blanquer has already suggested schools could install lockers for phones, though many city centre schools have little room for them. “Are we going to transform a school into a giant locker?” said Vincent. “I’ve done a little calculation myself: 5,300 state schools with an average 500 pupils each, that makes around 3 million lockers.” 谁来收发和保管手机也是个很麻烦的问题,万一手机丢了呢?时间成本和人力成本也是要考虑的因素。 Parents’ organisations say any ban would pose a significant logistical problem. “How is the school going to stock them? And how are they going to make sure they’re given back to the owner at the end of school?” Gérard Pommier, head of the Federation of Parents in State Schools. Education officials are now studying how the mobile ban can be put into effect. “In ministerial meetings, we leave our phones in lockers before going in. It seems to me that this as doable for any human group, including a class,” Blanquer said in September. The minister has also supported the introduction of school uniforms, but has said he is opposed to the measure being obligatory throughout the country. He has also announced that each school must set up a choir before January 2019. Le Parisien newspaper said the government had set aside €20m for the measure. Government officials said joining the choir would be voluntary and a “complement to obligatory music lessons” that exist already. 除了法国,还有很多国家都面临学生用手机的难题,来看看其他国家是怎么处理的。 英国:伊顿要求睡前交手机 多数英国学校都不同意让学生在校园内使用手机,尤其是智能手机应用。英国教育标准局于2012年宣布,禁止中小学生携带手机进课堂。如果学校未能遏制课堂上学生使用手机发短信、接听电话或上网,学校将被教育督查部门记载并问责。在著名的伊顿公学,校方没有禁止学生使用手机,但校园Wi-Fi屏蔽了Snapchat应用程序,因为有学生用Snapchat发送各种裸照。此外,伊顿公学还要求学生晚上回宿舍睡觉前交出手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑等,以避免夜间在社交媒体上流连忘返而影响睡眠。校长西蒙•亨德森提认为,社交媒体压力是青少年精神疾病的重要诱因之一,如果因此失眠,会影响学业。 德国:提倡使用“学生专用手机” 在德国,手机厂商开发“学校手机”,外观充满童趣且带有“酷味”,还分女孩手机和男孩手机。此类手机既寓教于乐,又具备安全性。内部预装有20到30个学生APP程序,可以通过Wi-Fi上网,且网页都是德国教育部门推荐的健康网页。家长可以进行控制。德国学校设有手机管理课程,给孩子们讲解怎么合理使用手机。每个学校还设有网上教育网络。软件企业也会积极参与手机APP程序设计。 韩国:学校配备手机存放柜 大部分韩国学校实施早会收走手机、放学前归还的方法,由老师或专门的学生负责收发。为防止孩子沉迷于手机娱乐,不少韩国家长会选择给子女买只能拨打电话的“学生手机”,或者办理低流量、慢网速等手机套餐。 美国:跟考试成绩挂钩 美国学校基本上都要求学生将手机存在自己的储物柜里,不能带进教室。有些学校允许带入教室,但要求从早上第一堂课到下午最后一堂课,包括课间休息,手机都必须处于静音状态,通常也不能使用耳机。对违规学生的惩罚力度,取决于老师。有些老师发现有人违规,会要求该学生把手机装入纸袋,放在课桌明显位置;有些老师会没收手机,让家长来认领;有些老师比较严格,第一次违规考试成绩降半个字母(比如考A的降为A-),第二次发现则会降一个字母同时要求学生离开教室,如果学生不配合,则会请校警配合强制离开;也有少数老师比较宽松,完全依靠学生的自觉。总体看,课堂上禁止使用手机是绝大部分老师的共识。 |