查尔斯王储接任英联邦元首 92岁的女王要退位了吗?
On Thursday, the Queen expressed her desire for Prince Charles to be appointed as the next Head of the Commonwealth. “It is my sincere wish that the Commonwealth will continue to offer stability and continuity to future generations, and will decide that one day the Prince of Wales should carry on the important work started by my father in 1949,” she said. “我真诚地希望英联邦能继续为后世带来稳定和延续性,并且我希望有朝一日由威尔士亲王(查尔斯王储)继承我父亲于1949年开启的这项重要工作。” 伊丽莎白二世自1952年以来一直担任英联邦元首,近年来,由于女王年事已高,人们都在谈论继承人的问题。因为英联邦元首并非世袭职务,意味着女王去世后这一职务并不能自动传给查尔斯王储。 A day later, cnn reported that the leaders of the Commonwealth have agreed to support the Queen’s wishes. 20日,美国有线新闻网报道称,英联邦领导人同意支持女王的意愿。 “We recognize the role of the Queen in championing the Commonwealth and its peoples. The next head of the Commonwealth shall be His Royal Highness Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales,” the statement read. 声明称:“我们表彰女王为捍卫英联邦及其人民发挥的作用。英联邦的下一任元首将是威尔士亲王查尔斯王储。” 英联邦现由53个主权国家组成,所有成员自愿加入,成员大多为前英国殖民地或者保护国。传统上,英联邦元首是英国君王担任,这是一个象征性的职位,没有治理权,只在英联邦组织中担任重要角色。 一些人猜测,查尔斯王储接任英联邦元首,或意味着女王很快便将退位。 Bookmaker Coral said that there is 2-1 from 5-1 odds that Queen Elizabeth II will be abdicating the throne sometime this year. 博彩公司Coral称,伊丽莎白二世将在今年之内退位的赔率从1赔5降到了1赔2。 “Following the news that Prince Charles is set to take over as the Head of the Commonwealth, we have seen a surge of bets on the Queen stepping down from the throne in 2018 where her odds have tumbled in the last 24 hours,” John Hill of Coral told Express. Coral公司的约翰•希尔对《英国快报》表示:“查尔斯王子将接任英联邦元首的消息一出,我们发现押女王将在今年退位的赌注猛增,过去24小时其赔率下跌。” 英国女王是全球在位时间最长的君主。4月21日,女王奶奶迎来了92周岁生日,英国王室在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅为她举行了祝寿音乐会。除待产的凯特王妃外,王室成员全部出席。 Some of the guests that performed at the party are Sting, Sir Tom Jones, Shawn Mendes, Kylie Minogue, and Craig David. 出席音乐会的表演嘉宾包括斯汀、汤姆•琼斯、肖恩•蒙德斯、凯莉•米洛以及克雷格•大卫等人。
查尔斯对女王说:“1948年,22岁的您生下了我,那时您肯定想不到在您92岁生日时,70岁的儿子还能引来欢呼声。” 查尔斯说完这些话,全场一片笑声,而后又是热烈的欢呼和掌声。 注:Hip hip hooray是英语国家的人们为某人或某事庆祝时集体发出的欢呼声。在女王生日会现场,查尔斯王储带领全场连喊了三次hip hip hooray。 哈里王子也在舞台上祝祖母生日快乐,他说: “Tonight we are celebrating the Queen's Birthday but Your Majesty, if you do not mind me saying, you are not someone who is easy to buy gifts for.” “今晚我们一同庆祝女王的生日,但是陛下恕我直言,给您送礼物还真是不好挑。” The Queen celebrates two birthdays every year: Her actual birthday on April 21, which she usually marks privately with her family, and her 'official birthday' in the summer. It usually falls on the second Saturday in June, when she joins the Trooping the Color military parade in central London. 女王每年庆祝两次生日,她真正的生日是4月21日,这一天她通常和家人私下庆祝。女王的官方生日定在每年夏天,通常是6月的第二个星期六,当天她会参加在伦敦市中心举办的皇家军队阅兵。 |