岁月如飞刀,刀刀催人老。想要和地心引力相抗衡,但又打不起肉毒杆菌,怎么办呢?其实,你只要避开一些让人早衰的生活习惯,还是可以显得比同龄人年轻的。来看看英国每日邮报网站女性频道邀请几位皮肤科医生列出的这些“青春杀手”型日常生活习惯。 睡觉不要用棉质枕套 One easy change people can make is investing in silk pillowcase instead of cotton as the material often results in people waking up with creases on their face. 只需做个简单的改变,把棉质枕套换成丝绸的,因为在棉质枕套上睡一夜通常会在人们脸上印上褶皱。 'Many people sleep on their face, which can cause sleep lines or wrinkles. I love silk pillowcases - they can help with this,' dermatologist Marie Jhin said. 皮肤科医师玛丽·金说:“许多人睡觉时脸都靠在枕头上,这样会在脸上留下睡痕或皱纹。我喜欢丝绸枕套,对于缓解睡痕有帮助。” The added benefit of buying a silk pillowcase is that it helps stop hair breakage as well. 用丝绸枕套还有一个好处,就是能防止头发受损。 不要一心多用 With people having increasingly busy schedules sometimes multitasking can't be avoided, but it isn't beneficial to your health. 现代人的生活作息越来越忙碌,有时难免要同时处理多件事情,但这对健康并没有好处。 When people multitask, their body experiences higher amounts of stress, which is causing people to age faster. 一心多用时,身体会经受更高强度的压力,而这会让人老得更快。 'Stress can lead to an increase in inflammation in the skin. This inflammation releases mediators, which can destroy collagen and connective tissue, possibly affecting epidermal maturation,' Dermatologist William Kwan said. 皮肤科医师威廉·关说:“压力会导致皮肤炎症增加。炎症会释放破坏胶原蛋白和结缔组织的介质,甚至可能导致表皮老化。” Stop overusing central air and heating systems 不要过多地开空调和暖气 Overusing these systems can unfortunately dry out people's skin, which can make fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable. 老开空调或暖气会让皮肤变得干燥,这会导致皮肤出现细纹,加深皱纹。 Dry skin can also lead to inflammation. As people age they lose collagen and elastin in their skin and inflammation unfortunately accelerates this process. 皮肤干燥也会引发炎症。随着年纪增大,皮肤内的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白会逐渐流失,而不幸的是,炎症会加速胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的流失。 If people find they need to use their air conditioner or heating system it is best that they prepare their skin with a hydrating night cream. 如果人们实在需要开空调或暖气,最好是在皮肤上涂补水晚霜。 饮食不能完全不含脂肪 Although people should limit how often they pick up a packet of chips there is no need to avoid monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are 'healthy'. 虽说人们应该限制自己摄入垃圾食品的频率,但也无需避免健康的单一和多元不饱和脂肪。 'Fats have been demonized but we actually need them - they're building blocks for hormones and are responsible for cell membrane integrity, and getting enough good fats can result in healthy, glowing skin,' Deepa Verma, M.D. said. 医学博士蒂帕·维尔马说:“一直以来脂肪都被妖魔化了,但我们确实需要脂肪——脂肪各类激素形成的基础,能保护细胞膜的完整。而且摄入足量的优质脂肪能让皮肤健康、容光焕发。” People should make sure their diet is rich in foods like avocado as its high levels of vitamin E provides skin with increased collagen synthesis and elasticity. 人们应该确保自己的膳食富含牛油果这样的食物,牛油果所含的大量维生素E能促进皮肤合成胶原蛋白,增加皮肤的弹性。 Sunflower seeds are another great food to consume as they are a rich source of selenium and copper, which help maintain radiant skin. 葵花子也是对皮肤很好的食物,葵花子所富含的硒和铜能让皮肤容光焕发。 Avoid sipping your drink through a straw 不要用吸管喝饮料 Repeated facial expressions and movements, like squinting, will break down collagen and elastin fibres in the face. 重复的表情和动作,比如眯眼,会破坏脸上的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白。 Although straws may help avoid teeth stains and minimize cavities, they can form wrinkles around the mouth. 尽管用吸管会避免牙渍、减少蛀牙,但会在嘴边形成皱纹。 This is due to the pursing motion the lips make, which drinking from a narrow bottle may do as well. 这是因为用吸管喝饮料时嘴要噘起来,用细瓶子喝也一样会造成“噘嘴纹”。 To avoid this from happening people should aim to drink from a glass instead. 为了避免这种情况发生,人们应弃用吸管,直接端起玻璃杯喝。 不要在脖子上喷香水 When it comes to applying perfume the public has been told for years to spritz it on their neck, wrists and décolletage. 多年来,我们一直被告知香水要喷在脖子、手腕和衣领处。 Unfortunately spraying the neck should be avoided as the skin in this area is extremely delicate. 不幸的是,香水不应喷在脖子上,因为这块皮肤非常娇嫩。 Perfume is also super drying, which can be an issue if people apply it before stepping outside in the sun. 香水会让皮肤极度干燥,如果人们在出门前把香水喷在脖颈处,太阳一晒,就会伤及皮肤。 Make sure to cleanse after removing your makeup 先卸妆再洗脸 People shouldn't rely solely on cleansers to take makeup off completely. 卸妆不能只用洁面乳。 Dermatologist Debra Jaliman said that people need to remove their makeup before they make the decision to cleanse their face. 皮肤科医师黛布拉·贾里满说,在洗脸前要先卸妆。 She recommends wiping off eye makeup then moistening a cotton pad with toner or a tiny bit of water and a dab of cleanser and using it to remove the rest of the products. 她建议先擦掉眼妆,然后用爽肤水或清水加洁面乳浸湿化妆棉后卸掉面部的其他化妆品。 Stop using hot water 不要用热水洗脸 You should avoid splashing your face with warm water as although it may feel good, it can strip the skin of essential moisture and oils. 应该避免用热水洗脸,尽管这样感觉舒服,但是会让皮肤失去必要的水分和油分。 Instead rinse your face with lukewarm water and splash yourself several times. Pat dry with a towel. 正确的做法是用温水洗脸,往脸上泼几次水,然后用毛巾轻拍脸部,把水吸干。 |