希腊圣托里尼岛禁止胖子骑驴 不是歧视胖子 而是驴的背要被压断了
美丽的圣托里尼岛长年游人如织。要遍览岛上风光,必然要爬上高高的石阶路,很多游客都会用驴子来代步,这也是岛上的一项传统。然而近年来肥胖游客数量暴增,导致驴子脊椎受伤,皮开肉绽。在动物保护组织的呼吁下,驴子的困境受到了全世界的关注,迫使希腊当局发布新规,禁止超过200斤的肥胖游客在圣托里尼岛骑驴。 Greece has banned obese tourists from riding donkeys after animal rights campaigners said the creatures were being left with spinal injuries and open wounds. 希腊已禁止肥胖游客骑驴,因为动物权益保护者指出,这些游客给驴子造成了脊柱损伤和开放性创伤。 After images of donkeys climbing the narrow steps of the Greek island of Santorini laden down by large holidaymakers hit the headlines worldwide, lawmakers in the country have now pledged to do more to help the animals. 驴子驮着肥胖游客攀登希腊圣托里尼岛上狭窄石阶的照片登上了世界各地的媒体头条,迫使希腊立法者承诺采取更多行动来保护这些动物。 The Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food has published a new set of regulations regarding donkeys' well-being after receiving multiple complaints following media coverage in July. 七月份媒体曝光此事后,希腊农村发展和食品部收到大量投诉,之后该部门针对驴子们的健康发布了一系列新法规。 These state that donkeys giving tourists rides in Santorini should not carry any loads heavier than 100kg or one fifth of their weight. 新法规指出,圣托里尼岛的载客驴不应该背负超过100公斤或自身体重五分之一的重量。 The move comes after animal activists on the island claimed with obesity on the rise, donkeys were being forced to carry ever-heavier loads while working long hours, seven days a week without shelter, rest and water - leaving them with spinal injuries and open wounds from ill-fitting saddles. 此前岛上的动物维权者声称,随着游客肥胖率的提高,驴的负荷也被迫加重,与此同时,驴还要长时间劳作,每周七天,没有遮蔽、没有休息和水,这会导致驴的脊柱受伤,并因鞍具不合适产生撕裂性伤口。 The government bulletin states: 'The owners of working equidae should ensure that the animals' level of health is high. There should also be disinfection materials in their living quarters and workstations. 政府的公告上写道:“役用马科动物的主人应确保动物保持良好的健康水平。在它们的居所和工作站内应有消毒物品。” 'Under no circumstances should animals unfit for work be used, i.e., ill animals, the injured, animals in an advanced pregnancy as well as animals with poor maintenance of hooves. “绝对不能驱使不适合劳作的动物去劳动,这些情况包括生病受伤、快要产仔以及蹄子受损。” 'The animals should be given appropriate and adequate food and fresh drinking water daily, into containers which cannot be contaminated and are cleaned at least once a day. “每天都应给予动物充分适当的食物和新鲜饮用水,食槽应保持干净无污染,每天至少清洁一次。” 'Working equines should not be loaded with excessive weight for their size, age or physical condition. The load cannot exceed the weight of 100kg, or one fifth of their body weight.' “劳作的马科动物不能背负超出自身体型、年龄或体能所能承受的重量。负重不能超过100公斤,或其自重的五分之一。” Santorini is known for its hilly terrain and donkeys have traditionally been used to transport people over the famously stepped areas which vehicles cannot access, such as in capital Fira. 圣托里尼岛以丘陵地貌闻名,传统上用驴子载游客登上那些车辆无法通过的著名石阶区,比如首府费拉的一些地区。 In June, charities there claimed the explosion of fat tourists meant locals who are keen to get the most out of their animals were being forced to crossbreed the animals to create mules, which are bigger and taller and can carry heavier loads with more stamina. 今年六月,当地的动物慈善机构称,肥胖游客数量的暴增促使那些剥削动物的当地人用驴和马杂交出更高大的骡子,可以驮更重的东西,耐力更持久。 Elisavet Chatzi, 45, a volunteer from Athens who participated in a peaceful protest in Santorini over donkeys' treatment there earlier this year, said: 'It's a very big step, I think all our hard work has paid off. 来自雅典的45岁志愿者伊里沙维特·查特奇说:“这是很大的进步,我认为我们的辛苦工作有了回报。”查特奇在今年早些时候参加了圣托尼里岛的一次反对虐待驴子的和平抗议。 'The situation in Santorini has been going on for many years and it cannot be resolved in one day. “圣托里尼岛的这种情况已经持续多年了,不可能一天就解决。” 'We have won our fight because of the international media attention on the topic. No one could ever believe that new regulations would be set. “我们赢得了斗争的胜利,因为国际媒体关注到了这个话题。我们从来没想过会专门为此制定新规。” 'The next day after the bulletin was released, I was told a tourist had been carried up the hill by three different donkeys, so as not to exhaust them...' “在公告发布的第二天,我听说有一名游客被三头不同的驴驮上了山,目的是不让驴精疲力尽……” But other campaigners allege that despite the reminder, nothing has changed on the island and there is still a long way to go. 不过其他动物保护者声称,尽管出了法规,岛上的一切都没有改变,动物保护依然是路漫漫其修远兮。 Maria Skourta, 42, the leader of the Athens branch of Direct Action Everywhere, claims: 'We were content with the bulletin because the purpose of our organisation is to bring matters to light and initiate conversation. 动物保护组织“任何地方直接行动”的雅典分部领导人、42岁的玛莉亚·斯考塔表示:“我们对公告的结果感到满意,是因为我们组织的目的是揭露问题,发起对话。” 'But our goal is not to improve the lives of slaves, it's to free them entirely. “但我们的目的不是改善被奴役牲口的生活,而是彻底解放它们。” '[While this means they will stop carrying obese tourists], the donkeys are still forced to carry cement, appliances, and all sorts of heavy weights.' “(虽然新法规意味着驴子不用驼肥胖游客了,)可它们依然要被迫驮水泥、器具和各种沉重的物品。” |