说起杠精,大家现在应该都不陌生了,不过你知道最近又流行起一个说法叫“隐形杠精”吗? 这指的就是那些不明着跟你抬杠,但是一直用一些不直接的方式跟你作对的人。 其实心理学上对此有个更专业的说法,叫“消极性攻击”(passive-aggressive),指的是用不直接的方式表达反抗(defiance)与敌意(hostility) These behaviors can include deliberately "forgetting" or procrastinating, complaining about a lack of appreciation , and a sullen demeanor. 现在它已经不被归为精神病了,不过依旧在心理学领域受到关注。 目前,对于消极性攻击人格障碍的成因有5种说法,但需要注意的是,他们中的大多数都还没有确凿的证据,只是推测性的(speculative) 下面就来看看这5个方面吧:
#1 Psychoanalytic. 从精神分析的角度来说 毫不意外,一谈到精神分析就要说弗洛伊德,这个方向正是基于弗洛伊德的研究,它着重于看人的潜意识。 For example, one psychoanalytic view suggests that when individuals exhibit passive-aggressive behavior, they are attempting to reconcile their need to be seen as agreeable by others with their desire to express a negative attitude. #2 Behavioral. 从行为学的角度来说 这个角度强调看人的那些可观测、可量化的行为。 The behavioral approach suggests that passive-aggressive behavior occurs when someone has not learned how to assert themselves, feels anxiety about asserting themselves, or fears a negative response to their assertive behavior. #3 Interpersonal. 从人际关系来讲 这种研究方向强调看人们之间的关系。 One interpersonal approach suggests that passive-aggressive people may be both quarrelsome and submissive in their relationships with other people. #4 Social. 从社会的角度来讲 这个角度强调看环境对人的行为的影响。 One social approach suggests that contradictory messages from family members during someone’s upbringing can cause that person to be more “on guard” later in life. #5 Biological. 从生物学的角度来讲 这个角度着眼于消极攻击性行为背后的生物学因素。 One biological approach suggests that there may be specific genetic factors that would cause someone to have erratic moods and irritable behaviors, as may be seen in passive-aggressive personality disorder. 总的来说,学界对这个现象依旧还处于研究状态,并没有太多定论。 好吧,结论今天是没有的,我们最后就来梳理一下关于这个现象的一些重点吧: Key Takeaways The term "passive-aggressive" refers to behavior that expresses defiance or hostility indirectly, rather than openly. |