2019年1月3日10时26分,”嫦娥四号”探测器成功着陆在月球背面东经177.6度、南纬45.5度附近的预选着陆区,并通过“鹊桥”中继卫星传回了世界第一张近距离拍摄的月背影像图。 ”嫦娥四号”探测器发回的首张月背近照。 这是人类探测器首次实现月背软着陆,国外主流媒体纷纷报道了中国的这项壮举,称其是人类探月工程的一个里程碑,创造了历史。 美国CNBC网站当地时间2日报道称: 月球背面是人类长久以来未知的区域。“嫦娥四号”成功登陆月球背面,创造了历史。 Landing on the far side is a technical challenge, as there is no direct way to communicate with the spacecraft as it nears its target. China put a relay satellite in orbit around the moon in May to overcome that communication challenge. 探测器在月球背面着陆是一个技术上的挑战,因为在探测器接近月背的时候,没有直接与其传递信号的方式。为了克服通信上的难题,中国在去年5月发射了一颗中继卫星绕月飞行(名为“鹊桥”)。 relay satellite:中继卫星
美国《纽约时报》网站当地时间2日报道称: “嫦娥四号”成功着陆月球背面,开启了人类探月历史的新篇章,充分证明中国在深空探测领域已达到世界领先水平。 In a spaceflight first, China’s Chang’e-4 has landed where no spacecraft has touched down in one piece before: the far side of the moon. 中国的“嫦娥四号”在月球背面着陆,此前从没有航天器曾在此着陆过。 If successful, the mission could answer fundamental questions about Earth’s only natural satellite. There are still mysteries, for example, about the moon’s formation and early evolution, which, in turn, hold clues to the history of the entire solar system. 如果任务成功,就可以回答有关月球作为地球唯一一颗天然卫星的基本问题。例如,关于月球的形成和早期演化目前仍然存在一些谜团,而这些谜团反过来又为整个太阳系的历史提供了线索。 Additionally, the mission will conduct the first radio astronomy experiments from the moon’s far side and the first investigations to see whether plants can grow on the moon — a crucial step toward long-term human missions beyond Earth. 此外,此次任务还将在月球背面进行首次射电天文学实验,并就植物能否在月球上生长首次进行研究——这是人类在地球之外开展长期任务的关键一步。
报道还称,这仅仅是中国未来一系列航天任务中的一个。 China now plans to begin fully operating the third space station of the world by 2022, to put astronauts in a lunar base by later in that decade, and to send probes to Mars, including ones that could return samples of the Martian surface back to Earth. 中国计划在2022年前全面建成空间站,成为世界上第三个拥有空间站的国家,并在同年代稍晚时候派宇航员进驻月球基地。中国还将向火星发射探测器,并将火星表面样本带回地球。
图为1月3日在北京航天飞行控制中心拍摄的嫦娥四号探测器展开太阳翼(示意图)。 新华社记者 金立旺 摄
【小知识:月球“背面”并非“黑暗面”】 Astronomers refer to the side we always see from Earth as the “near side” and the side we can never see as the “far side.” 天文学家把人们总是从地球上看到的月球一面称为“近侧”,而把人们永远无法看到的一面称为“远侧”。 While the far side can never be seen from Earth, it is still illuminated by the sun. There is no permanently “dark side” of the moon, although it has been described this way in popular culture to refer to the moon’s unknown side. 虽然从地球上永远看不到远处的一面,但太阳仍然可以照到那里。月球不存在永久的“黑暗面”,尽管在通俗文化中通常会用“黑暗面(dark side)”描述月球未知的一面。 美国太空新闻网站报道称: “嫦娥四号”成功着陆月球背面,标志着中国在月球探索的道路上又迈出了一大步。 This is “absolutely a significant step,” James Head, a planetary scientist at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, told SpaceNews. 布朗大学行星科学家詹姆斯·海德说“这是绝对重要的一步。”布朗大学位于美国罗德岛普罗维登斯。 Chang’e-4 is akin to Columbus’ voyages to the New World,” according to Head. 他说:“‘嫦娥四号’着陆月球背面的意义不亚于哥伦布发现新大陆”。 This groundbreaking exploration will inform and shape our understanding of not only the Moon but the entire solar system as well. 这一开创性的探索将不仅打开人类了解月球的大门,而且将重塑人类对整个太阳系的认知。 “The Moon is a cornerstone for understanding the other terrestrial planets and understanding the generally unexplored lunar farside can only help in our understanding of the history and evolution of Mercury, Venus, Mars and our home planet, Earth,” Head said. 他说:“因为月球是理解其他类地行星的基石,一旦人类了解了从未被探索过的月球背面,将能够进一步掌握水星、金星、火星和地球的历史和进化。” terrestrial[tə'restrɪəl]:adj.地球的;陆地的 美国《天文学》杂志网站指出: A first in the history of space exploration, this landing will also represent a significant accomplishment for the Chinese space program and should give researchers around the world a treasure trove of new data about an unexplored region of the Moon. “嫦娥四号”登陆月球背面,既是人类空间探测史上的首次,也是中国探月工程的一项重大成就,将为世界各国的研究人员提供一个有关月球上未知区域的新的数据宝库。 While this mission is historically significant, it will also collect unique data that could inform our understanding of the early solar system, and perhaps even the early universe. “嫦娥四号”登陆月球背面不仅具有重要的历史意义,还将获得月球背面的一手数据,这些数据将有助于人类了解早期的太阳系甚至早期的宇宙。 英国《每日电讯报》网站报道称: Previous spacecraft have photographed the far side of the moon, but none has ever landed on it. 以前人类发射的航天器曾拍到过月球的远端,但还没有一艘航天器或探测器在月球背面着陆过。 Andrew Coates, professor of physics at UCL's Mullard Space Science Laboratory in Surrey, added that the information gleaned from the mission "will be hugely valuable in understanding the formation of the Moon". 英国萨里郡马拉德空间科学实验室物理学教授安德鲁▪科特斯补充说,“嫦娥四号”未来从月球背面带回的信息“价值重大,将有助于人类更深入地了解月球的形成”。 英国广播公司报道称: It is carrying instruments to analyse the unexplored region's geology, as well to conduct biological experiments. “嫦娥四号”携带仪器分析月球背面未被探索过的地质构造,还将开展生物学实验。 The landing is being seen as a major milestone in space exploration. “嫦娥四号”着陆月背是空间探索中的里程碑事件。 Previous Moon missions have landed on the Earth-facing side, but this is the first time any craft has landed successfully on the unexplored and rugged far side. 之前的月球探测器都是在月球正面着陆,月球背面从未被探查,且表面崎岖不平,“嫦娥四号”是首个在月球背面着陆的探测器。
图为1月3日在北京航天飞行控制中心拍摄的降落过程 The lander also carried a container with six live species from Earth - cotton, rapeseed, potato, fruit fly, yeast and arabidopsis (a flowering plant) - to try to form a mini biosphere. “嫦娥四号”还把地球上的六种生物带上了月球,分别是棉花、油菜籽、土豆、果蝇、酵母和拟芥蓝,并尝试建立微型生物圈。 The arabidopsis plant may produce the first flower on the Moon. 拟芥蓝可能开出月球上的第一朵花。 英国《卫报》报道称: A Chinese spacecraft has become the first to land on the far side of the moon in a historic moment for human space exploration. 中国的“嫦娥四号”成为首个在月球背面着陆的探测器,这是人类太空探索中的重要历史时刻。 The successful touch down was hailed as a major technical feat and is seen as a important step towards China’s wider ambitions in space. “嫦娥四号”成功着陆是人类科技取得的一次重大胜利,是中国实现太空雄心的重要一步。 Spacecraft have taken pictures of the moon’s far side before, but no lander has ever touched down there. “嫦娥四号”已经拍摄了月球背面的图像,之前从未有探测器在月背着陆。 Scientists are still trying to understand why there are differences between the two faces of the moon, but think that these probably date back to the moon’s origin. 科学家们仍在探索为何月球的正面和背面有区别,他们认为这可能与月球的起源有关。 外国网友们也在脸书、推特等社交媒体平台上展开了讨论,对中国取得的成就表示祝贺。 美国国家航空航天局局长吉姆·布里登斯廷(Jim Bridenstine)也发推特表示:“祝贺中国嫦娥四号团队成功登陆月球背面。这是人类的第一次,也是令人印象深刻的成就!” 网友Tim Seabrook:“成功着陆月球背面,是一项里程碑式的成就。” 网友ddurrringmachine:“这对于全人类来说都是一个伟大的成就,(中国)做得好。” 网友Alec Griffiths:“太棒了!我简直不敢相信我见证了这一刻。” 网友Ben Thompson:“祝贺!我希望中国在太空探索领域继续取得成功。” 网友Raylan Thompson:“哇!科技真的很发达。中国干得漂亮!” 还有网友留言提到Pink Floyd的著名歌曲称,“这真的是‘月之暗面’了”。 |