World's largest aviation market cnn 首先列举了一串数据: China currently has around 235 airports, but with many lacking the capacity to sustain the coming increase in passenger numbers and flights, government officials estimate around 450 airports will be needed across the country by 2035. That's the same year aviation analysts predict China will be handling a quarter of all the world's air passengers. 为此,cnn采访了香港中文大学航空政策研究中心(Chinese University of Hong Kong's Aviation Policy and Research Centre)的副主任罗祥国(Cheung Kwok Law)。 "The government is really looking ahead," he says, "not only to meet the current demand but to stimulate future demand for air transportation." 罗祥国认为,政府扩建机场的做法完全可以理解。目前来说,纽约已有三个国际机场,伦敦有五个机场;北京今年将启用第二个国际机场。上海将建设第三个机场,广州将建设第二个机场。 以北京为例, 2014年兴建的大兴国际机场主航站楼的装修目前已基本完工,进入边收尾边收口的最后阶段。该机场位于北京市大兴区与河北省廊坊市广阳区之间,是按照客流吞吐量1亿人次、飞机起降量80万架次的规模建设的超大型国际航空综合交通枢纽。大兴机场已于今年五月进行了首架飞机的试飞。 Due to open in September of 2019, it will feature four runways and a terminal the size of 97 soccer pitches. 新的大兴机场启用后,首都机场并不会关闭,所以北京的运力将得到显著提升。首都机场是世界上第二繁忙的机场,仅次于美国亚特兰大国际机场。 Where are the airports needed most? cnn认为,除了庞大的规模,机场各项数据增长的速度也令人震惊。 According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), in 2018, Chinese airports handled 1.264 billion passengers, up 10.2 percent over 2017, with 37 of the country's airports handling over 10 million passengers in a year. 中国目前平均每年启用八个新机场,机场相关设施也在扩建和升级,但是国内存在一种担忧情绪,认为这些已经启用的机场仍然不能满足时代发展的需求。中国民航局发展计划司副司长董法鑫去年曾表示: "Service has improved substantially, but existing airports are far from adequate and are unevenly distributed throughout the country." 以地区而言,长三角、京津冀、粤港澳大湾区、成渝城市群对于机场建设和相关设施的需求最高。 These are the areas with the highest populations but rely on a few hub airports to handle all passenger traffic. In the coming years, they will each have new world-class airports for their individual centers of population. 例如,成都天府国际机场将在2020年通航。这将是成都的第二个国际机场,可以有效缓解双流国际机场的客流压力。
此外,中国西部地区也将迎来新一轮的机场建设,带动当地的贸易和旅游业发展。 "Providing air traffic support will be vital to the development of these areas and to achieve a more balanced economic development between the coastal region and more remote areas." Airport for the future cnn还提到,未来中国的机场建设将更加注重与高铁、轻轨及各大主干道之间的联动协作,以推进枢纽功能融合。 以大兴机场为例,伴随着新机场的投入使用,新机场高速、新机场高速北线高速将投入使用,预计到明年6月,这两条高速将实现贯通。市民还可以通过京台高速和京开高速到达新机场。 值得一提的是,机场高速公路在作业时采用了高性能防冰融雪沥青混合料,将使高速路关键路段拥有更强的防冰抗冻、自融雪性能,大幅提升雨雪天气的行车安全和通行效率。 此外,北京新机场轨道线一期工程计划于明年9月随新机场同步试运营。据了解,新机场高速轨道线一期工程全长41公里,线路途经丰台区和大兴区,共设3座车站,自北向南依次为草桥站、磁各庄站和新机场北航站楼站,计划在磁各庄车辆段,预留新机场北停车场,设计时速为160公里/小时。 It will initially accommodate 72 million passengers and two million tons of cargo annually, rising to at least 100 million passengers and four million tons of cargo a year when fully opened. 罗祥国在接受cnn采访时说,2035年以前,全球航空乘客数量将以每年3.5%的速度增长。 "If you look at China, growth could be between 5-6 percent on average, much higher than the global average. In one estimation, China is expected to have a middle class population of more than 500 million in the next 10 years. " "The rising of the middle class will provide support to the aviation development in China — both in terms of passenger demand as well as the demand for cargo transportation." 亲爱的读者们,你们最常去的机场是在哪里?对于所在地的机场,有什么想说的话吗? |