根据英国官方首次针对各族裔员工平均薪资所做的统计,华裔和印度裔员工的平均薪资比英国白人还高,其中华裔是收入最高的族裔,2018年平均收入比白人高出30.9%。 Chinese and Indian ethnic group workers have higher average earnings than their white British counterparts, the first detailed official figures show. 据首次披露的详细官方数据显示,华裔和印度裔员工的平均收入高于英国白人员工。 But the data on the ethnicity pay gap, showed all other ethnic groups have lower wages than white British workers. 但是关于不同族裔工资差距的数据显示,其他所有族裔员工的工资都低于英国白人员工。 The Office for National Statistics said employees in the Bangladeshi ethnic group have the largest pay gap, earning 20% less than white British employees. 英国国家统计局表示,孟加拉裔员工与其他族裔的薪资差距最大,其收入比英国白人员工低20%。 On average, ethnic minorities earn 3.8% less than white ethnic groups. 平均来看,少数族裔的收入比英国白人低3.8%。 In 2018, employees from the Chinese ethnic group earned 30.9% more than white British employees. 2018年,华裔员工的工资比英国白人员工高30.9%。 Hugh Stickland, senior ONS analyst, said: "Overall, employees from certain ethnic groups such as Indian and Chinese, have higher average earnings than their white British counterparts. 英国国家统计局高级分析师休•斯蒂克兰德说:“总体而言,印度裔和华裔等某些少数族裔员工的平均收入高于英国白人。 "However, all other ethnic groups have average wages lower than for white British employees, with employees from the Bangladeshi ethnic group having the largest pay gap. “然而,所有其他族裔的平均工资都低于英国白人员工,孟加拉裔员工与其他族裔员工的工资差距最大。” "However, once characteristics such as education and occupation are taken into account, the pay gap between white British and most other ethnic groups becomes narrower, though significant differences still remain." “但是,一旦把教育和职业等因素考虑进去,英国白人和其他大多数族裔之间的收入差距就会缩小,尽管差异依旧显著。” 孟加拉裔是英国收入最低的族群 The data - based on median gross hourly earnings between 2012 and 2018 - shows that the Chinese ethnicity group is the highest paid, receiving £15.75 an hour in 2018. 该数据基于2012年至2018年的时薪中值。数据显示,华裔是收入最高的群体,2018年的时薪为15.75英镑(约合135元人民币)。 That group is followed by the Indian ethic group - which earns £13.47 an hour - and mixed/multiple ethnicity group, with a £12.33 hourly pay rate. 紧随其后的是印度裔,时薪13.47英镑,以及混合/多族裔人群,时薪12.33英镑。 pay rate:工资标准 The median pay of the white British group was £12.03. The Bangladeshi group had the lowest median hourly pay of £9.60 with the second-lowest paid group being of Pakistani origin at £10 an hour. 英国白人的时薪中值为12.03英镑。孟加拉裔的时薪中值最低,为9.6英镑,排在倒数第二的是巴基斯坦裔,时薪10英镑。 "The harsh reality is that even today race still plays a real role in determining pay," said Frances O'Grady, general secretary of the TUC. 英国劳工联合会秘书长弗朗西斯•奥格雷迪说:“残酷的现实是,时至今日,种族仍在很大程度上决定着薪资。” "Ministers must take bold action to confront inequality and racism in the labor market. The obvious first step is to introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting without delay," she said. 她说:“部长们必须采取大胆行动,应对劳动力市场的不平等和种族主义。很明显,第一步是立即实行强制性的种族薪酬差距报告制度。 收入存在性别差距 The government has already introduced mandatory reporting on the gender pay gap - which stands at 9.6% in favor of men - and the ONS data also shows discrepancies in male and female earnings in the ethnic groups. 英国政府已经实行了强制性的性别收入差距报告制度,男性的收入比女性高9.6%。英国国家统计局的数据也显示了少数族裔收入的性别差距。 discrepancy [dɪs'krep(ə)nsɪ]:n.不符;矛盾;相差 The Chinese and Indian groups, which both have the highest rate of hourly pay, were among those with the biggest gender gaps. 华裔和印度裔的时薪最高,也都属于收入性别差距最大的群体。 Chinese men on average earned 19.1% more than women and Indian men earned 23.2% more than women. 华裔男性的平均收入比女性高19.1%,印度裔男性的平均收入比女性高23.2%。 But women in the Bangladeshi ethnic group earn more than their male counterparts - with a 10.5% gap. 但孟加拉裔女性的收入比男性高10.5%。 The ONS said, though, that the sample size for the Bangladeshi group was smaller and susceptible to inaccuracy compared with other ethnic groups. 不过,英国国家统计局表示,与其他族裔相比,孟加拉裔的样本量更小,而且容易出错。 sample size:样本量,样本大小 出生地影响收入 The ONS says that where someone is born can have an influence on how much they are paid. 英国国家统计局表示,一个人的出生地可能会影响他的收入。 "By comparing those who were born in the UK and those who were not, it may give us an idea of what sort of effect having a UK education and the higher likelihood of speaking English as a first language may have on those from an ethnic minority background," the ONS said. 英国国家统计局表示:“通过比较那些出生在英国和其他国家的人,我们或许能发现,在英国接受教育和更可能将英语作为母语对少数族裔会产生哪些影响。” It found those in the Bangladeshi ethnic group - who had been born in the UK - earned 8% less than white British employees. But for Bangladeshi employees born outside the UK the gap was 26.8%. 英国国家统计局发现,出生在英国的孟加拉裔员工的收入比英国白人员工低8%。但对于在英国以外出生的孟加拉裔员工来说,这一差距为26.8%。 When taking other factors into account, such as education, UK-born employees in the Indian and Chinese ethnic groups do not have pay gaps that are "statistically different" from the UK-born white British employees, the ONS found. 英国国家统计局发现,考虑到教育等其他因素,在英国出生的印度裔和华裔员工与英国出生的白人员工之间的收入没有“统计上的差异”。 For example, almost a third of workers in the Indian ethnic group work in professional roles which means they tend to be higher-paid. 例如,近三分之一的印度裔员工从事专业性强的工作,这意味着他们的收入往往更高。 |