炎炎夏日,想锻炼又不想跑步跑得大汗淋漓? 近日,一项研究表明,走路速度快的人,可能更健康长寿。 而且预期寿命比走路慢的人的多活15~20年! 不用跑步就能达到锻炼目的,是不是很激动人心呢? 研究:走路快的人更长寿 英国莱斯特大学对近47.5万人的走路习惯和死亡情况进行了监测,发现走路快的人,寿命也更长!这项研究发表于《梅奥诊所学报》(Mayo Clinic Proceedings)。 People who have a quicker walking pace lived longer than those who walked more slowly, according to researchers who monitored the walking habits and deaths of nearly 475,000 people, most of whom were in their 50s at the start of the study. 其中,走路快的女性预计平均寿命86.7~87.8岁,走路快的男性85.2~86.8岁。 走路慢的女性预计平均寿命72.4岁,男性则为64.8岁,由此计算出走路快的人大约能多活15~20年。
走多快才算快呢? 研究人员指出,心率要达到最大值的60%以上,或者每分钟100步,才算是“走路快”。 Brisk walkers hit speeds of 3 mph—about 100 steps a minute and, in general, they will overtake most other walkers. Slow walkers trudge along at between 1 mph and 2 mph, or just 50 steps a minute. trudge [trʌdʒ] n.徒步跋涉;费力地走 走路速度反映寿命长短 长期以来,BMI(身体质量指数)被视为是衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的重要标准。 但这项研究发现,无论BMI如何,一个人的走路速度与其寿命都是明显挂钩的。 Tom Yates, the lead author from the University of Leicester in England, attested that physical fitness may be a better indicator in measuring mortality rates compared to body mass index. Since the results pointed out that weight was not a determining factor among the walkers but their pacing, the researchers also found that those who were underweight had a slower walking pace and were at higher risk of heart-related diseases. 为什么走路快的人更长寿? 莱斯特大学的研究报告只指出了其中的关联性,但专家指出,这实际上是有原因的。 研究人员称,快步走是一种低强度有氧运动(a very low-intensity form of cardio)。 这种运动的好处是,保护行走者免受高血压、肥胖和不活动的影响,有助于人体心血管健康。 These findings are consistent with other studies showing that brisk walking can cut the risk of cardiovascular events, adding to evidence suggesting that cardiovascular fitness can provide some protection against the health risks posed by having excess weight or obesity. cardiovascular [.kɑrdioʊ'væskjələr] 心脏血管的 另外,研究表明,即使严重超重,快步走的人的预期寿命仍比走路慢的人要高。 So, whether you're overweight or in shape, fast walking does have positive physical effects on your body and life expectancy. 此外,专家也表示,相比于久坐,即使是慢走对身体也是有利的。 Those who are sedentary are better off doing any type of walking, even at a slow pace. How much time you spend walking also shouldn’t be disregarded. It’s not just the intensity but the duration that counts. 所以,想长寿还是得多动,加点速就更好了。 |