威尼斯被淹成“泳池” 游客游着看景点
受到恶劣天气影响,意大利的“水城”威尼斯遭遇了五十年来的最大洪水,圣马可大教堂等著名景点被淹,游客和居民不得不涉水甚至“游泳”行进。威尼斯市长称,这都是气候变化惹的祸。 Severe flooding in Venice that has left much of the Italian city under water is a direct result of climate change, the mayor says. 威尼斯市长称,导致威尼斯多处被淹的严重洪灾是气候变化的直接结果。 The highest water levels in the region in more than 50 years would leave "a permanent mark", Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro tweeted. 威尼斯市长路易吉·布鲁尼亚罗在推特上说,威尼斯涨潮水位达到五十多年来的最高值,将留下“永恒印记”。 "Now the government must listen," he added. "These are the effects of climate change... the costs will be high." “现在政府必须听一听我们的声音,”他补充道,“这是气候变化造成的影响……代价将是惨重的。” The waters in Venice peaked at 1.87m, according to the tide monitoring centre. Only once since official records began in 1923 has the tide been higher, reaching 1.94m in 1966. 潮汐监测中心的数据显示,威尼斯涨潮水位最高达到1.87米。自从1923年开始有官方记录以来,这么高的水位只在1966年发生过一次,达到1.94米。 St Mark's Square - one of the lowest parts of the city - was one of the worst hit areas. 圣马可广场——威尼斯市地势最低的一处地点——是受灾最严重的地方之一。 St Mark's Basilica was flooded for the sixth time in 1,200 years, according to church records. Pierpaolo Campostrini, a member of St Mark's council, said four of those floods had now occurred within the past 20 years. 根据圣马可大教堂的记录,该教堂的长方形廊柱大厅1200年来第六次被淹。圣马可理事会成员皮耶尔保罗·坎波斯特里尼指出,其中有四次洪水发生在过去二十年间。 basilica[bəˈzɪlɪkə]: n. (古罗马)长方形会堂;长方形基督教堂;长方形廊柱大厅 The mayor said the famous landmark had suffered "grave damage". The crypt was completely flooded and there are fears of structural damage to the basilica's columns. 市长说,这座著名的地标“损毁严重”。地下室完全被淹没了,人们担心洪水对廊柱大厅的柱子造成结构性损坏。 The city of Venice is made up of more than 100 islands inside a lagoon off the north-east coast of Italy. 威尼斯市位于意大利东北海岸附近的一个环礁湖内,由100多座岛屿组成。 Two people died on the island of Pellestrina, a thin strip of land that separates the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. One of them was electrocuted as he tried to start a pump in his home. 洪水导致佩莱斯特里纳岛上的两个人丧生,这块狭长的岛屿将环礁湖与亚得里亚海分隔开来。其中一个人是在家中试图启动水泵时触电身亡。 Mr Brugnaro said the damage was "huge" and that he would declare a state of disaster, warning that a project to help prevent the Venetian lagoon suffering devastating floods "must be finished soon". 布鲁尼亚罗说,洪水带来的损失“极大”,他将宣布威尼斯进入灾难状态。他警告说,帮助阻止洪水在威尼斯环礁湖肆虐的工程“必须快点完成”。 "The situation is dramatic. We ask the government to help us," he said on Twitter, adding that schools would remain closed until the water level subsides. 布鲁尼亚罗在推特上说:“情况很危急,我们请求政府的援助。”他补充道,学校要继续停课,直到洪水退去。 He also urged local businesses to share photos and video footage of the devastation, which he said would be useful when requesting financial help from the government. 他还敦促当地企业分享洪灾的照片和视频,以便在请求政府财政支援时能派上用场。 A number of businesses were affected. Chairs and tables were seen floating outside cafes and restaurants. 威尼斯的许多企业都受到了影响。咖啡馆和餐厅外面漂浮着椅子和桌子。 In shops, workers tried to move their stock away from the water to prevent any further damage. 在商店里,店员试图将存货搬离被水淹没的地方,防止进一步损失。 One shopkeeper, who was not named, told Italy's public broadcaster Rai: "The city is on its knees." 一位不具名的店主告诉意大利广播电视公司说:“整个城市都崩溃了。” Three waterbuses sank, but tourists continued their sightseeing as best they could. 三辆水上巴士沉没了,但游客们尽其所能继续自己的观光之旅。 One French couple told AFP news agency that they had "effectively swum" after some of the wooden platforms placed around the city in areas prone to flooding overturned. 一对法国夫妇告诉法新社说,在威尼斯各处的一些木制浮桥被洪水冲翻后,他们“真的是游着在行进”。 |